
Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

why you should not worship walt disney

by Jesus Christ

Don’t you know that you should only worship God only, read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 6:5, 5:7-9. But some of you are already intoxicated by so many cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel stories of animal which often do violence each other. Some of you are really really intoxicated, so you begin to behave as an animal. That is the message: don’t worship animal, including animal movie, animal picture, or animal in the zoo. Don’t you know that that is exactly mengele plan: that all of you should worship the beast: that is plesiosaur or referred to in the Bible as leviathan.(a) Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 27:1, the book of Revelation 20:1-3.
That is why: stop worship animal including animal movie, such as mickey mouse, goofy, donald duck, and other movies produced by walt disney and steven spielberg, including pocahontas, pinochio, beauty and the beast, and institution called tavistock institute,(b) which plan to make all people in the world to be intoxicated by satanic movie including numerous consciousness programming technology, such as nlp, imagery, brain washing through seeing movie. That is: they are called mind control programming, that is the meaning of mkultra, from abbreviation of the first two letter of mkultra, that is: mind kontrolle (in german language).(c)
And there is simple simple simple experiment which you can do in order you can be sure that that is the truth, that is as follows: type the following words using MS Office Word, that is disney, donald, pocahontas with small first letter, and then you will find that first letter of those words will be automatically changed to become large first letter. Don’t you know that prosperity theology preachers will argue that that effect is caused by typing name word using MS Office Word, now verify and proof that they are wrong: type another name word, that is Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, including Jesus Christ. And you will not find that effect of automatically changing of first letter of those words, even for your Father in Heaven’s the Only Beloved Son, that is Me, Jesus Christ. Type again in small first letter of these words, that is as follows: matthew, mark, luke, john, and Jesus Christ, and you will find only one first letter that is for word Christ where you obtain automatically changing of first letter of these words. That is very very very very very cruel, and exactly they do blasphemy by purpose, that is the evil work of tavistock institute because they worship satan itself. That is why: do not be hesitating to ruin and destroy and terminate all organization and building of tavistock institute and walt disney society in all over the world. And throw away all prosperity theology preachers and throw away all tavistock scholars and all tavistock researchers in numerous institutes and universities in USA, Great Britain, and Europe.(d) Throw away all of them into the fire quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now!
That is the message: don’t worry, do not worry about anything, just repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do not worship anything other than God only.
Thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus Christ.

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(a) plesiosaur fossil in otago museum, second floor, dunedin, new zealand. Quote: ‘the new plesiosaur described in the latest issue of Palaeontology: Kaiwhekea katiki (pronounced kie-FEK-ay-uh KUH-ti-kee). There's now an official press release about it--it's identified as a cryptoclidid but it's clearly related to Mortuneria and Aristonectes, and so may be a member of the Cimoliasauridae as defined by O'Keefe (2001).’ ‘The plesiosaur fossil, discovered at Shag Point in North Otago, is the first of its family (Cryptoclididae) to be found in New Zealand, and is only the third such member to be found in the Southern Hemisphere.’ source: Quote: ‘Although plesiosaurs are not considered to have direct, living descendants, they live today in the human imagination, in books, films, and even as the source of the fabled Loch Ness Monster.’ source:
(a) tavistock institute. Quote: ‘Tavistock Institute, Tavistock House, 30 Tabernacle Street London EC2A 4UE.’ source:
(b) mkultra is mind control programming. Quote: ‘‘Of the 149 subprojects under the umbrella of MKULTRA having been identified, Project MONARCH, officially begun by the U.S. Army in the early 1960. A partial list of other mediums used to reinforce base programming are: Pinnochio, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, E. T., Star Wars, Ghost Busters, Trancers II, Batman, Bewitched, Fantasy Island, Reboot, Tiny Toons, Duck Tails, The Dead Sea Scrolls and The Tall Book of Make Believe. A few movies which depict or portray some aspect of MONARCH programming are Hell raiser 3, Raising Cain, Labyrinth, Telefon, Johnny Mneumonic, Point of No Return, The Lawnmower Man and Closet Land.’ source:
(c) the following is a short list of research institute and university which work together with tavistock institute. Quote: ‘It works through many research institutes and think tanks. The principal ones in the United States are the Stanford Research Institute, Rand Research and Development Corporation, the Institute For Policy Studies, the Aspen Institute, the Hudson Institute, and the Brookings Institute. Tavistock runs over 30 research institutions in the United States.’ source:

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