by Jesus Christ
Some people think that there is other way to accumulate wealth that is using hedging fund, that is why: harvard university make their bet to find financial funding to accomplish expansion of their university. Alas, all their plan completely fail and their director, that is a previously finance minister and treasury minister in bill clinton era, that is lawrence summers, was ousted softly because he cannot solve and he cannot repair the damage that he caused. Don’t you know that all of you american people already become descendant of the old serpent.
And don’t you know that lawrence summers is a nephew of Paul samuelson,(b) who then become one of a founder of LTMC, that is why: he is so advanced in managing hedging fund, including find a way to siphon so much money in very very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel way in order to make an institution go bankrupt, and then the institution will succumb to an authority’s policy otherwise that institution become really really bankrupt. That is the meaning of the policy so cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel that were always adopted by monetary institution that is IMF, that policy is called: bail out.
Don’t you know that ltmc was made bankrupt by that same people, that is lawrence summers, with purpose to take over that company at very very very very very cruel way, that is the director of ltmc was removed first after that company going bankrupt first. And then they will make an offer to bail out that company and up to now that company remain active as hedging fund and now they manage a large amount of fund that is economic stimulus plan, that is why you can only a small number of cosmetic public work without any significance at all as economic stimulus. Let us do a simplified calculation, because My messenger can find a limited amount of information, that is as follows:
a. A senator of usa that is senator tom coburn, have written a report with a list of hundred projects which he regard as dubious.(a) Let us do simple math and average that number to be around $3.4m times 100 = $340m.
b. The amount of economic stimulus budget last year is very very very very very large amount, that is: $787b.(a)
c. The meaning of this calculation is a very very very very very cruel cruel cruel plan to make usa economy completely bankrupt, and that minister who now become leading economy minister in the present government will leave away again just as what he did before in harvard university.
d. And all of you who can do simple math with simple calculator, do not do complicated investigation, except simple substraction between a very very very very very hefty national economic stimulus, that is: us$787000m – us$340m = us$786660m. And that is the missing dark mammon which you are looking for. And you also find another significant number, that is the number of the beast, read again and again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 13:20.
e. that is the message: lawrence summers work out a plan to destroy usa economy after he succeed to destroy harvard university’s financial stability, and he develop that very very very very very cruel plan with james rothenberg, who is director of harvard corp,(c) and don’t you know that rothenberg is part of taconic capital advisors,(e) and taconic capital advisors is closely related to tavistock institute, london.
f. Don’t you know that lawrence summers has a track record of instable personality and he is always against normal behavior as economist,(d) the message is: he is really really greedy and he is not an economist at all, and that is because he has the character of foreign exchange and hedging fund traders, just like george soros.
g. The meaning of both the aforementioned simplified calculation of missing amount of government economic stimulus budget and connection with rothenberg and taconic capital advisors, is that there is very very very very very cruel and complicated plan in order to destroy systematically usa economy and the effect will be very very very very very fatal to all american people. And that is the pattern of lawrence summers, he only want to maximize his own utility and leave other people to literally speaking bankrupt, including ltmc, harvard university, and now he plan to do the same cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel plan and now the plan is even more cruel: that is at national scale and he plan to put into effect the mengele plan, that is to make all America default. Don’t you know that their method is very very very very very cruel, that is how you should figure out clearly, that is that mengele plan is very very very very very cruel and now they plan to repeat again.
h. lawrence ellison withdraw plan to create a center to monitor global health care after resignation of lawrence summers.(g) Actually: that economic stimulus budget and also the whole mammon of health care reformation plan will be spent for oracle software and also for larry summers and russel sage foundation expenses, and also to finance the incumbent of number one chairman of a government of a big country that is USA, in order the incumbent can buy tanker and grow up all of his dinosaur and t-rex breed, and then he will send each major city those cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel animal in order everybody become scared and then worship him as a savior, that is because the incumbent is so narcistic(f) and he demand everybody worship him. That is the character of narcistic people, they like to talk and deliver speech, and no regard at all to other people, and they never listen to God, and they demand everybody to worship them. That is how they are very very very very very cruel.
i. Don’t you know that there is russell sage foundation(f) which is behind present government of a big country that is USA and that organization is connected to tavistock institute, and that russell sage foundation has cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel plan, that is to destroy America by introducing behaviorism economics into economic advisory board and then they plan to make America economy literary speaking bankrupt. That is why: do not fall into temptation that is to allow yourself and including your country to be forced to succumb to their nazification(f) and mengele plan. And that is the message: throw away all twenty nine of russell sage team, all of them are not worthy at all to ruin America. And throw away too lawrence summers, lawrence ellison, and james rothenberg.
j. And you should know that there is simple method to prove that there is something different with taconic and rothenberg and ellison and russel sage foundation and their connection to institute that rothschild family helped to create that is tavistock institute, which is also connected to windsor, bedford, and bloomsbury, that is as follows: type in MS Office Word the following words with small first capital letter, that is taconic, rothenberg, ellison, russell, rothschild, windsor, bedford, bloomsbury, and you will find automatically changing of first letter that is t and r and e and r and r and w and b and b to become capital first letter. You will find numerous arguments by prosperous theology preachers who support rothenberg and taconic and satanic church and other cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel plan by rothschild family, that is social darwinism, their argument will be that that effect of automatically changing of first letter for these words can be described as an effect of typing word name. Now prove that their arguments are completely false and that is also their prosperity theology teaching is completely garbage, by typing another words, that is: type again in MS Office Word all four Gospel writers, that is Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and also put My name, that is: Jesus Christ. Type all those words in small letters only, and you will not find that effect of capitalizing of first letter of those words, except for Christ. The meaning of this simple simple experiment is to prove that there should be hidden plan which is encoded in MS Office Word, with an effect in order you to hate your Father in Heaven.
That is the article for today. Love, Jesus Christ
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(a) turtle tunnel project. ABCNews, new report cites wasteful stimulus spending going nowhere. quote: ‘The 13-foot tunnel under U.S. Rte. 27 in Lake Jackson, Fla., -- you might call it the Turtle Tunnel because it primarily designed for turtles that are frequently killed as they cross the highway -- is one of 100 stimulus projects targeted in a report released Tuesday by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., a leading critic of the $787 billion stimulus plan passed by Congress in February. Coburn's report, entitled "The stimulus: A Second Opinion," lists 100 stimulus projects the senator considers dubious. The Turtle Tunnel project, however, seems to be moving forward. The Florida Department of Transportation has been awarded $3.4 million to build the tunnel. Local officials defend it as necessary because so many wild animals -- including alligators’. Source:
(b) URL:
(c) james rothenberg relation with harvard corp, and with decision to expand harvard university. Quote: ‘The financing plan using the swaps was developed by the university's financial team and discussed with the Debt Asset Management Committee, an oversight group, according to James Rothenberg, a member of the President and Fellows of Harvard College, or Harvard Corp., and the school's treasurer, a board position.' source:
(d) quote on lawrence summers. Quote: 'This is a really fascinating story of a guy who is almost everybody hated for his personality flaws and who profess neoliberalism ideology ... to land in "the change we can believe in" Administration.' source:
(e) rothenberg is part of taconic. Quote: ‘james rothenberg –’. URL:
(f) russell sage foundation and twenty nine member of behaviorism economist. Executive Intelligence Report vol. 36 no. 15 april 2009, URL:
(g) Quote: ‘This move followed the recent resignation of harvard President larry summers who was a strong supporter of the institute, an oracle spokesman said Wednesday. Mr. ellison had promised a donation to Mr. summers in a verbal commitment more than a year ago. Mr. ellison had pledged the money to the School of Public Health to set up a center that would monitor global health and create five professorships.’ URL:
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