by Jesus Christ
Don’t you know that your Father in Heaven really really love you and He always take care of you, that is why: do not worry about anything, don’t worry about anything to eat or what you shall wear. Do you see all fowls in the sky who do not reap and who do not sow, don’t you see that they can always find something to eat and to give to their family? That is because your Father in heaven really really take care of them, and He also take care all of you literally speaking. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 6:24-31.
Don’t you see that all of you is already intoxicated by the old serpent, that is dragon. All it do in its life is intoxicating people, that is why: it will be punished in eternity severely. Read again and again and again and again and again: the book of Revelation 20:1-3. And all of you who do magic, that is because you want to solve your problem but you do not have patience and faith to pray to your Father in heaven. And then you also think that you have to do something to solve your problem quickly otherwise you do not know what is going to happen, that is the meaning of worrying. Read again read again read again those text mentioned above for your consolation. And for you to know: worrying and mammon and greed is beginning of all evil work in your life. That is because some of you think that you are blessed less than other people, that is why: they decide to increase either their power, their knowledge, their strength and also their prosperity. Don’t you know that that is forbidden and blasphemy to think that your Father in Heaven really really do not care and do not love you at all. That is how you make magic, that is because you stop love your Father in heaven, and then you begin to listen to other voice: that is the old serpent, and the scornful, and the ungodly, and then you fall you fall you fall you fall you fall and you really really change destination to fall forever.
Some of you do magic with other people, that is sorcerer and wicker, and some of you read book on hypnotism, nlp, anthony robbins, and book of secret, and other books by new age thinkers, and also harry potter books, all of them teach you how to worship something else, that is magick. Don’t you know that british people are literally speaking all of them descendant of the old serpent? That is because all of them do magic and they do not want to repent at all, that is why: do not follow british way of life. Some of them only do whatever they like in their life, and that is why they will drink a full glass of wrath of God. Other people like Sweden people worship satan, that is why: they put another toxic in church that is satanic teaching. Don’t you know that they put a pattern of pentagram in some of the church? Don’t you know that germany people fall into other mistake and faults, that is they are addicted to eat so many fruit of knowledge, including so many forbidden knowledge, including doing so many blasphemy, because they think that would increase their ability to absorb more knowledge, that is very very very very very fatal mistake, and that is literally speaking satanic teaching: you should do blasphemy and you will get more knowledge that is forbidden by God. And the old serpent will teach you that that knowledge will set you free and you will be more handsome, more richer, more prosperous, and become equal to God. Don’t you know that that is very very very very very old teaching of the old serpent? Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Genesis chapter 3.
Don’t you know that germany people read so many philosophy books and they also worship philosophy, including schopenhauer, nietzche, zarathustra, and other false teaching, that is how they fall fall fall fall fall and fall forever, unless they repent and do their repentance properly. Other European people like Italy also fall into other type of false teaching, that is duality which is very very very very very satanic, because they read in so many books that there is always duality in each thing in nature, and that is why those people worship duality, and they do opposite things at the same time. Yes some of them are very very very very very intoxicated and doing goodness only in public, and then do the opposite thing that is very very very very very cruel thing in darkness. That is the meaning of split personality disorder, don’t you read a story of doctor jackel and mister hide? That is the meaning of split personality, that is because some of you doing so many blasphemy and then you do not know how you can do otherwise, and then you will be terminated forever.
Other people in india worship old serpent, as you see in so many cartoon on those Indian people who play flute in front of dancing serpent. Don’t you see that is blasphemy to play flute in order the old serpent will dance? All Indian people are so intoxicated by the old serpent, and that is why they will be punished forever because all of them do horrible mistake and sins in public affair, that is hypnotism, magick, and blasphemy and you call them teaching of shiva, or buddha, or brahma. Don’t you know that all of them are only statue and gods, and don’t you know that you should worship and love God only. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5, and read also the book of Isaiah 44:12-20. That is why: be hurry be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly and wholeheartedly. Don’t you know that time is not enough for doing anything, except to do so many many many many many work for the Kingdom of Heaven. That is why: throw away all magic books, all buddhism books, all nepal teacher’s books, all shiva books, all brahmanism books, all philosophy books, and all harry potter books, all wickery books, all baba books, all gandhi books, throw all of them including baba and its family and also j.k. rowling into the fire quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now!
Don’t you know that all indian people is very very very very very intoxicated by those false teachers for so many centuries? That is why all of you already become descendant of the old serpent, literally speaking. And this is a simple experiment in order you are sure that all of them require you to worship those false teachers and then you will hate God: type in MS Office Word the following word: schopenhauer, zarathustra, brahmanism, buddha, gandhi, and type them with small first letter, and you will find automatically changing of first letter of these word. And then some prosperity theology preachers will argue that those effect happen because you type name word to MS office word, now prove that they are wrong and type again for different name, that is Gospel writer, as follows: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and also type Jesus Christ. Put all those names with all small first letter, and then you will find no effect of automatically changing of first letter of those word, except for Christ. That is how they are very very very very very cruel, they want all people to worship schopenhauer, zarathustra, brahmanism, buddha, gandhi and other false teachers. Throw away all people that is all false teachers who teach false teaching and do not love and worship God only. Don’t you know that all those false teachers are very very very very very cruel: they do not know the meaning of repentance, and they tell you to worship yourself, and they tell you that you can reach nirvana by your own good deeds, and they tell you to do suffering suffering suffering suffering suffering until you die? Don’t you know that if you follow those false teachers you will be very very very very very intoxicated, and you will be very very very very very stupid and idiot, that is punishment and curse to all people who do magic and sorcery without properly repentance. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 44:12-20.
Don’t you know that a large number of European people are already intoxicated by so many Indian teacher which they call as maharishi? Throw away all maharishi false prophet from your community, all of you only teach you to do blasphemy more and more by teaching yoga, kundalini, prana and other false teaching. Throw away all books which teach prana, yoga, kundalini, and other books by maharishi teachers, and other hypnotism and mind trick books, all of them are forbidden. Throw away all of those books which false teaching as if there is answer from india and eastern way. All of them are false prophets and they want you to fall fall fall fall fall and you will be descendant of the old serpent and you will fall forever, and you will drink a full glass of wrath of God. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Jeremiah 21 and 22.
That is the message: do not do magic at all, do not do wickery and sorcery, do not do mind trick, and do not curse people with mojo or other things that you obtain from doing blasphemy and magic. All of them are forbidden and you will be cursed forever by God. Read again and again and again and again and again The book of Exodus 25. That is the message: do not do magic at all, do not worship serpent, do not worship shiva, do not worship brahma, do not worship buddha, do not do things with mojo, and do not drink human blood in order you will get more strength and then you can be more cruel, all people who do those very very very very verycruel cruel things will be punished severely by your Father in Heaven, that is because you follow and become descendant of the old serpent. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 27:1.
Other people that is himalaya, tibet, nepal, china, are intoxicated by the old dragon. That is the old dragon which hide inside the old lake of naggar (naggar from naga word, and naga in sanskrit mean dragon). That is why: all of you china people worship and build so many statue and dance and tradition based on your cult of dragon. That is full of blasphemy. Don’t you know that that is blasphemy to worship animal, even that is a powerful and very very very very very cruel animal with fire on its mouth. And that is how the character of people who fall to become descendant of the old dragon: all of them has will to terminate so many people, and all of them are very very very very very cruel, and powerful, and very very very very very prosperous. And that is why cult of dragon can attract so many people who want to be rich and richer. That is very very very very very dangerous , and that is why: throw away and burn so many statue and all your tradition symbols which are contaminated by the old dragon. And throw away all people who teach you to worship dragon. Don’t you know that all of you should love God only. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5.
Don’t you know that the old dragon is already given time in order it can do whatever it like for a thousand year? Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 20:1-3. And now its time is over, and it has been terminated by your Father in Heaven. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 27:1.
Do not you know that worship an animal will make you become animal? And that is the same: you should not worship dragon and all your tradition and symbols which are related to dragon. Don’t you know that all of you who worship the old dragon will be punished severely in eternity. And don’t you know that some of you are very very very very very intoxicated by the old dragon, that is all of you who do human trafficking, drug trading, slavery, alcohol trading, and martial art and casino and other crime as profession in China, and Shang Hai, and Guang Zhou, and Beijing, and Wuhan, and Beihang, and Hong Kong. All of you will be punished severely in eternity. Other people do worse than them, that is they worship weapon of war, that is sword, that is all people in japan worship bushido way, that is dragon’s way to teach all people in the world to do more and more and more and more and more war and crime. That is because: the old dragon has no heart at all, it only want to teach you all knowledge of darkness, that is magic, blasphemy, and war. All of you japanese people and korean people should repent and stop worship dragon, stop worship war, stop worship your tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky method to do business and dark economy, and all of you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and learn to take care people who are needy and very very very very very poor among you. That is how you should do your repentance properly: be compassionate and be merciful. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13.
That is why: be hurry be hurry be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Yes all of you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then do your repentance properly, in order you can remove all toxic from your brain and from your heart and from your family, and that is the meaning of repentance. All of you should repent, including all middle east people in iraq, iran, afghanistan, and also saudi arabia and all people who live in persian gulf, and all people who live in ethiopia, nigeria, and all african people, all of you are so intoxicated by magic and sorcerer. Don’t you know that you are too often doing magic and blasphemy, and you worship darkness itself? That is the meaning of the Gospel of John chapter 1. That is why: throw away all your magic trick and hypnotism and all magic thing such as all your mojo and other stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid thing. Throw all of your magic books, all of your hypnotism books, all of your mojo into the fire quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.
Other people who live in islands in pacific ocean do other type of magic and cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel sorcerer: that is people who live in haiti and timbuktu and hawaii and other islands along pacific ocean including Philippines islands. All of them also do magic and hypnotism that is voodoo. Don’t you know that voodoo is the darkness itself? And some of you worship that magic of voodoo? Other people who live in jamaica do other type of magic: you worship magic and lazyness and you also worship bob marley and your reggae music. Don’t you know that you should work out on something in your life: that is how you should repent and do your repentance properly: you should learn to take care people who are needy and very very very very very poor among you. Yes you should not worry about anything, but you should work hard for the Kingdom in Heaven. All of you who do magic and sorcerer should be hurry be hurry be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly hurry to repent and do your repentance properly and that is the meaning of repentance as a society.
And also all of you who live in tasmania, new zealand, and other islands in southern ocean near arctic, all of you should also repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, because all of you worship plesiosaur in otago museum, and that is why: all of you become and already descendant of the old serpent. And that is why: destroy and ruin otago museum quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today, including plesiosaur fossil inside that museum.
That is how you should repent and do your repentance properly both as a person and as a society. Don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, already come again in Jerusalem. That is why: there is no more time to do anything, except to do your repentance quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly and properly, and do your best to speak properly about Me, Jesus Christ. Find a guide to help you and other people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in the following url:
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus Christ.
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Minggu, 07 Februari 2010
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