
Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

why green job for economic stimulus does not work

by Jesus Christ

Some people especially neo-keynesian economists think and advise wholeheartedly that economic stimulus can be provided by increasing government expenditure, for example by creating so many incredibly unimaginably outlandish green public work project which do not help at all many people to get the job. That is not an economic stimulus at all, and that is not even a neo-keynesian solution at all, that is a blatant full year criminal spending at gigantic level.
Don’t you know what happen in a big country that is USA? Do you think that the current government take care of you and they will lend their hand in order you to get your job back? They call their plan in a number of so many different terminology, which is often very very very very very confusing, for example: green job, minimal work, public work, and other terms. Although that government would like to advertise their plan in order to be approved by Senate, actually they only wrap their criminal plan to siphon so much money and they plan to siphon more and more from America until all of you literally speaking die.
That plan is called mengele plan, and that is not neo-keynesian solution at all to already bleeding American budget. That is why: you do not find many new job opened and created,(b) despite your government told you that new jobs will be created automatically once the new government spending for economic stimulus is approved by Senate. And don’t you know that after that cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel government administration in USA spoil all the first round of $787b for nothing,(a) now they will and they have willingness to submit new economic stimulus plan in order to ruin and destroy American economy completely.

Some of you will argue that that is not what is happening in America, but don’t you know that Me, Jesus Christ, and your Father in Heaven always see everything that your cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel government intend to do with their fake economic stimulus plan? Yes, your government has so many economics advisers and planners, including a number of foreign exchange traders who one of them happen to be an economic minister in your government. Don’t you know that that is forbidden and full of conflict interest to run a government while you are an active foreign exchange trader, including the incumbent on the number one chair in America, who not only siphon so much money, but also plan to escape to other country by renting a marine city, that is a ship so large in a city scale which can float and move to many destination at his will, that is why: he do not bother to think about taking care properly American people as other president is supposed to do. And that is a simple thing you can do to verify: the incumbent of number one of chair of a big country that is USA is not even an American citizen, and he do not bother to find and apply a green card as American citizen. You can verify yourself by googling a few minute that that is indeed what happen with your number one chairman in a big country that is America. Don’t you know that the incumbent of number one chair of a big country that is USA, it is anti-Christ, that is why: it support the beast that is mengele, in order to destroy American economy completely. That is why: all of you American people should take actions quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly to remove that cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel anti-Christ toxic out its number one chair in a big country that is USA.
That is the message: they do not want and they do not plan at all to solve economic problems in USA, but they intend to solve their problem themselves, that is completing siphoning so much money more than $787b which is more than enough to create a large number of advertising clips in television and so many short movie in order to advertise their cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel plan. They call that method as clever political advertisement, actually that is only public mind control programming called mkultra project.(c)
And what do you get out of that cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel government? Literally speaking, only a number of turtle tunnel(d) beneath a number of small road across the town of America, and they call that as public work and green job or turtle tunnel project.(e) Actually that is only how they figure out to justify their plan to siphon more and more money. And they will say again something like that: ‘Now economy of America begin to run again, thanks to so many government spending last year, and for this year we have to approve another economic stimulus plan in order to speed up the recovery of American economy. And you American people should agree and approve that plan because we will prosper again.’
Don’t you know what the message of such a speech like that: the message is they only want you to die quickly quickly because no help at all by government, and new jobs created eventually are only by private enterprises who find other projects outside,(f) that is how cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel plan your current government is, because they claim that jobs created by private enterprises are the result of government spending. Some of your leading top economists call that plan as neo-keynesian approach, but at the end of day that is not neo-keynesian at all, because they do not care at all to American people, they only want to maximize their utility as foreign exchange traders. Don’t you know that their problem is not policy making, but only illegal activities that is blatant siphoning of so much money, dressing up their book of balance budget, and creating job only as a covert of their cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel intention, that is to siphon money and then they will escape as soon as possible.
And where is the other plan? For you to know: their other plan is to create more and more turtle tunnel and other kind of fake public work with minuscule impact,(d) only to make you feel a bit more happier, despite you remain have no job at all. Yes, they also give you speech about many more healthcare reform, but that is all, only a day full of speech and speech and speech. Don’t you know: why is your current government so stupid and paralyzed and they cannot do something useful for American people? That is because they do so many blasphemy and wicker, and they also worship statues and worship animal, that is why they prefer to take care turtle and alligator only instead of providing proper jobs for American people. And not only that, your government also want you to worship him and also worship statues and animal, and do so many blasphemy until you die. And that is the curse for all people who worship statues and animal and the beast, that is mengele plan, all of them become very very very very very idiot, literally speaking. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah 44:5-17.
Don’t you know that My messenger is not an economist at all, although he read some time ago a number of Economist magazine issues and also a number of economics research paper, that is why: do not ask My messenger to explain why your government neo-keynesian economic stimulus plan and health care reform plan and other so many promise in order to recover America economy do not work as planned? The fault and mistakes of your current government is not that they pick a wrong policy decision approach that is neo-keynesian, but a more blatant mistake: that is they only want to do whatever they like and they already siphon so much money, and further more: the incumbent of the number of chair of a big government of USA will buy a tanker in order to carry a large amount of jurassic reptile, and then they plan to release that jurassic reptile in each major city in America, Europe, Asia, india and china and Africa and other countries, in order to complete the mengele plan, that is to destroy completely all human species from all the world. That very very very very very cruel government especially the incumbent of the number one chair of big country that is USA already prepare its safe boat for itself and only a number of very very very very very rich people that is only a small elite and very very very very very prosperous people who can pay it a hefty amount of payment in terms of gold currency.
That is the message: throw away all economic advisers in your current government including a minister who actually only spend so much money which is intended to help people in America, and it only put all that government stimulus money in foreign exchange market, and now they find their plan fail, that is to maximize utility by put so much money in foreign exchange market. Throw away that cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel minister that is lawrence summers and also all of its companions including a notorious foreign exchange trader leader that is george soros, both of them already ruin and destroy so many foreign countries including Great Britain, Eastern Europe, and other country including Asian countries. Throw away lawrence summers, george soros and the incumbent of number one chair of a big country that is USA who only has kenyan passport, throw away all of those cruel cruel cruel top government administration in a big country that is USA into the fire quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. Throw away all of those very very very very very cruel government administration quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today before their intention to siphon much more money from America banking system succeed.
That is the article for today. Love, Jesus Christ.

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(a) ABCNews, stimulus funds spent, but where are the jobs?, Quote: ‘The $787 billion federal stimulus package passed in February with a total of three Republican votes was aimed at easing the fiscal and economic dire straits faced by the states. Five months since President Obama signed the bill into law, several governors said the results have been mixed and that it's still too early to measure the full effects of the stimulus. "Everybody's dealing with these miserable budget decisions and as hard as they are, they'd be worse without the money that comes into operations," said Gov. Deval Patrick, D-Mass., as he pointed to the critical Medicaid and education funding that helped plug state budget holes across the nation.' source:
(b) ABCNews, stimulus funds spent, but where are the jobs?, Quote: ‘The $787 billion federal stimulus package passed in February with a total of three Republican votes was aimed at easing the fiscal and economic dire straits faced by the states. Five months since President Obama signed the bill into law, several governors said the results have been mixed and that it's still too early to measure the full effects of the stimulus. "Everybody's dealing with these miserable budget decisions and as hard as they are, they'd be worse without the money that comes into operations," said Gov. Deval Patrick, D-Mass., as he pointed to the critical Medicaid and education funding that helped plug state budget holes across the nation.' source:
(c) mkultra project. Quote: ‘Of the 149 subprojects under the umbrella of MKULTRA having been identified, Project MONARCH, officially begun by the U.S. Army in the early 1960.’ source:
(d) turtle tunnel. ABCNews, quote: ‘For instance, the Florida Department of Transportation wants to spend $3.4 million in stimulus money for a turtle tunnel. That's right, $3.4 million to help turtles cross under a highway.’ source:
(e) turtle tunnel project. ABCNews, new report cites wasteful stimulus spending going nowhere. Quote: ‘The 13-foot tunnel under U.S. Rte. 27 in Lake Jackson, Fla., -- you might call it the Turtle Tunnel because it primarily designed for turtles that are frequently killed as they cross the highway -- is one of 100 stimulus projects targeted in a report released Tuesday by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., a leading critic of the $787 billion stimulus plan passed by Congress in February. Coburn's report, entitled "The Stimulus: A Second Opinion," lists 100 stimulus projects the senator considers dubious. The Turtle Tunnel project, however, seems to be moving forward. The Florida Department of Transportation has been awarded $3.4 million to build the tunnel. Local officials defend it as necessary because so-many wild animals -- including alligators’. source:
(f) ABCNews. quote: ‘"Even as we face tough economic times, even as we continue to lose jobs, the CEOs here told me that they're looking to hire new people; in some cases to double or even triple in size over the next few years," he said.’ Source:

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