
Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

proof of connection between samuel huntington and trilateral commission and tavistock institute

by Jesus Christ

Some of you do not know the meaning of repentance, and you want to know how to distinguish between samuel huntington and tavistock institute, and that is why: do your best to remove and terminate all people who do not want to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, at the End of Day.
Don’t you know that samuel huntington already wrote a report that is for trilateral commission,(g) which is an anti-thesis of majestic twelve group formed by harry truman,(i) and don’t you know that there are a number of similar group of very very very very very elite people who work together in order to make all people in the world succumb completely to the beast.
And that is how you should know: you should be hurry and be hurry be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and that is how you should do your repentance: do your best to remove completely and terminate all family and kin of samuel huntington, russell sage family, tavistock family and all duchess of bedford family, and taconic capital advisor and their family including james rothenberg and larry summers and larry ellison family.
Don’t you know that such a group of very very very very very elite people always think that they are untouchable, that is because nobody know where is the exact address of their office, but for you to know that they are real office and in order you can terminate completely all scholar and researcher who work and support those group of very very very very very elite and cruel people, included here is a number of their office address:
a. tavistock institute: tavistock house, tavistock building at tabernacle street number 30, London ec2a 4ue.(a)
b. russell sage foundation: 112 east 64th street, new york, ny 10021.(b)
c. trilateral commission: 345 east 46th street, ste 711, new york.(c)
d. bilderberg group: address 1156 fifteenth street, nw washington dc 20005, phone: 202-467-5410.(d)
Some of you question My messenger how he can find out a number of information quickly quickly quickly quickly today, but he do not type directly from Me but he search from publicly available search engine, but Me guide him to key in a number of key word, that is how Me guide him, because he do not know and do not go there to new york or london himself.
Some people do not know whether there are connection among all these group of very very very very very elite and cruel people that is the dragon family, but you will find more information in another link that is (e), and also some of you are not convinced yet that tavistock institute is behind most of the warfare and world problem in all over the world.(f) and don’t you know that tavistock institute is founded by the rothschild family and warburg family, and that is another link that mention that even the french revolution is orchestrated and triggered by the same dragon family that is rothschild family.(g) and now you already know that almost all warfare in the past three century are administered and orchestrated by rothschild family and in the twentieth century the first world war and the second world war are administered by the same tavistock institute. all of them are very very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel and powerful, and that is why: do your best to terminate and remove all the toxic from your society, that is destroy and ruin completely all the building of tavistock institute including destroy and terminate and do not spare all life of tavistock scholar and researcher, and do not spare all life of russell sage scholar and researcher, and do not spare all life of bilderberg scholar and elite group, and do not spare all life of trilateral commission scholar and researcher including samuel huntington, and also do not spare all life of taconic capital advisor and their family.
There is a very very very very very simple experiment in order to make some people to know that they are very very very very very cruel people: type in MS Office Word the following word in all small letter including first letter: russell, bertrand russell, rothschild, rockefeller, taconic, ellison, samuel huntington, warburg, himmler, eichmann, bonaparte, rothenberg, bedford, bloomsbury and then you will find an effect of automatically changing of first letter of those word. Now you will find that all prosperity theology preacher will argue that these effect can happen because you type in MS Office Word a number of name word. Now prove that all of those prosperity theology preacher do make big big mistake in their life, that is to defend mammon and satan itself, that is how you can prove all of those prosperity theology preacher are wrong and they always do false teaching in their life: type in MS Office Word the following name of the Gospel writer, that is as follows: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and also type the quelle of all the four Gospel, that is Me, Jesus Christ. And type all these name of Gospel writer in small letter only. after you type all those Gospel writer, then you will find no effect of automatically changing of first letter of those name of Gospel writer except for name Christ. And that is why: do your best to terminate all dragon family including all family of samuel huntington, all family of warburg, all family of rothschild, all family of rothenberg, all family of david rockefeller, all family of larry summers, all family of tavistock institute scholar and researcher and associate, all family of himmler, and all family of eichmann, all family of george soros, and all family of larry ellison, and all family of smaranda enache, and all family of sabina fati, and also all family of levente salat, and all family of florentin smarandache, and all family of russell sage including all family of bertrand russell, all family of duke of bedford and all lord of tavistock family. And that is how you can do your repentance properly as a society, and that is how you do properly your repentance as a scientist and as a countryman. For some information on rothschild family and all cruelty deed in history that their family impose for so many century, see the following link (h).
Don’t you know that you should not do anything more than necessary to speak about yourself or about your masterpiece novel story, but do your best to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, and don’t you think that time is not enough and don’t you think that time is not enough and that is why all of you should be punished if you do not do anything for the Kingdom of heaven.
Love, Jesus Christ

Note: do your best to not be another serpent again, and that is the message: be hurry be hurry and be very very very very very hurry and quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus Christ
follow Jesus Christ only at

(a) URL:
(b) URL:
(c) URL:
(d) quote: 'The name "bilderberg" came from the group's first meeting place, the hotel de bilderberg of oosterbeek, Holland, in May 1954. Over the next 47 years the secret meetings have included most of the top ruling-class players from Western Europe and America' source:
(e) quote: ‘committee of 300, club of rome, tavistock institute, bohemian grove, bilderberg group, trilateral commission, chatham house.' source:
(f) quote: ‘The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the one world government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited." The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is mind boggling, even for the most astute among us. Most people react with disbelief and skepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to react with skepticism by institutional and media influences that were created by the mother of all mind control organizations: The tavistock institute of human relations in london.’ Source:
(g) in around mid seventy in the past century, samuel huntington wrote a report for trilateral committee with title is democracy in crisis. And subsequently that topic become a leading theme of a number of government policy, and that is known as washington consensus. That is the essence of washington consensus: to impose to public a number of policy even with significant sacrifice of public domain but without purpose at all except to increase burden to all middle class people including poor people. Those sacrifice include: remove healthcare and post-work benefit, and remove a number of social security plan including job security, and also to remove financial stability by increasing pressure for market and financial integration. That is why the present government find some rejection by most middle class in America. Quote: ‘…has a deep seated hatred for the white middle class.’ URL:
(h) URL:
(i) Quote: ‘Among the names who appear as original members of MJ-12: Rear Adm. roscoe hillenkoetter, first director of the CIA; Dr. vannevar bush, who headed the wartime Office of Scientific Research and Development; and james forrestal, secretary of defense.’ URL:

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