
Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

how do you know that Me, Jesus Christ, care to you

by Jesus Christ

‘For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.’ The book of Gospel of Matthew 16:25

Some of you do not know whether they are loved very much by your Father in Heaven, and that is why do your best to repent and do your repentance properly. And don’t you know that most people in the world do not care properly each other, and that is why there are so many problem and anger in the world. For you to know: that there are problem with a number of people who do not know the meaning of repentance. And that is how you should know that is: don’t you know that now is the time for the End Judgement. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 17:5, 16:27.
And that is how you should know that everyone who do not know the meaning of repentance will not be happy forever, that is punishment for those who do too many sin and do not know how to repair the damage. And don’t you know that the dragon court family are very very very very very upset because they know that their thousand year time is over, and they cannot conquer the world anymore. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 20:1-3. All of them have participated in one or other way to intoxicate the world in numerous way as described as follows:
a. mkultra project:(a) don’t you know that each time you read a word you are influenced by that word forever? That is because that word is a piece of information. That is why all people who read satanic organization book will be intoxicated forever including all those people who read wholeheartedly a forbidden gospel and that is judas pseudo-gospel and also codex sinaiticus. Do not read at all that forbidden ancient text because your mind will be intoxicated and do not even think that God forbid you to read that book because there is something that you should not know because in those book you will find a number of secret explanation and that secret explanation can make you even more powerful. Do not fall into that temptation of serpent of wisdom. So many book in the library and all of you who often read a book will find that temptation to read so many book and more book and more book including all secret knowledge because you want to be more powerful than what your Father in Heaven allow you to know. Do not do that again the mistake of eating too many fruit of knowledge. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Genesis chapter 3.
And mkultra project is specifically designed in order all people in the world fall into so many temptation and distraction from worship God only including they will believe too many fake story including pinocchio, cinderella, beauty and the beast, and also pocahontas, tom and jerry, donald duck, and other animal story with a purpose that sooner or later you will worship pocahontas or other animal created by walt disney in order you do not read the Bible and then you forget to worship God only. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9, 6:5. In other occasion mkultra project administer a number of dark project that is intended to legalize some crimical action including drug abuse, human trafficking, human slavery by government and other damaging project in order to ruin mental health of ordinary people at multinational scale, that is really really really really really cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel. All mkultra project is intended to ruin completely public consciousness and that is exactly the program of sigmund freud, that is to destroy completely morality in subconsciousness level of human mind in all over the world, and that is exactly the plan of mengele and also tavistock institute in london.(b) There is a simple experiment which you can do in order to convince yourself that there is hidden plan to destroy public consciousness that is to make all people in the world to worship fake story and stand against your Father in Heaven: type in MS Office Word the following word in all small letter and you will find an automatically changing of the first letter, and that is not by only typing a number of name word, but they purchase a software written by oracle corp with purpose to identify which name word that should have automatically changing effect. And don’t you know that oracle corp. ceo is larry ellison, and don’t you know that larry ellison also purchase all id number database of all america citizen in order if something happen and larry ellison can change and ruin completely identity of that person,(c) and that is the meaning of persona non grata, but this time they will put into effect to all people in America who do not obey the fourth reicht that is administration of the beast, that is george bush itself.(d) In order you can convince yourself: type the following word in small letter in MS Office Word: ellison, pocahontas, pinocchio, cinderella, donald, disney, sigmund, and for all of those name word you will find automatically changing of the first letter to become a capital letter that is as follows: e, p, p, c, d, d, s. and you will find that numerous prosperity theology preacher will argue that such an effect is caused by typing name word in MS Office Word and there is no hidden plan to make those name as big name in order you worship them, but now prove that they are wrong and also prove that all prosperity theology preacher commit big mistake that is teaching false preaching including yohanes bambang mulyono who preach false teaching in jakarta, indonesia, and he is so proud to include so many movie clip in all his false sermon and that movie clip are also taken without proper permission both from the movie producer and also from your Father in Heaven. That is why: throw away all prosperity theology preacher including yohanes bambang mulyono who now commit himself to teach only satanic book teaching that is teaching of serpent of wisdom, throw away all of them into the fire quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 18:6-7, and the book of Revelation 22:15. And in order you can prove that this effect of automatically changing first letter of some word is a hidden and subtle program which is authorized by oracle corp, prove that such an effect will not happen for name word of Gospel writer, now type again in MS Office Word but type now the following name of Gospel writer: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and My name that is Jesus Christ. Type all those four Gospel writer name in small letter including type My name in small letter only, and you will not find the effect of automatically changing of first letter except for the word Christ. And that is why: throw away all prosperity theology preacher including all walt disney movie producer team, and also larry ellison, and also throw away george bush family and dick cheney family into the fire at your earliest possible time quickly quickly quickly quickly right now. And that is how you can do your repentance properly both as an individual and also as a society.
b. Some people also plan to intoxicate people spiritually by sending them so many virtual image when they sleep and that is the method of prince of darkness including his best friend that is paul x cristi who is actually cain as mentioned in the Bible that is the book of Genesis chapter 4. Do your best to not fall into temptation and do your best to fast properly and pray our Father in Heaven prayer in order you can be released from so many dragon and animal from your heart. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel 6:9-13. Don’t you know that that is very very very very very difficult to remove all dragon and animal from your heart and My Hand feel the pain when Me remove all your problem and give you new heart. And that is why do not do again all your sin and do not take it too easy that you already commit adultery and idolatry that is worship so many movie actor and worship so many fake story and worship so many false priest and do read many scientology book.(e) All of those who do not praise God and sing a praise song in order to say thank to My Father in Heaven, all of them will be punished severely in eternity. Don’t you know that each minute and hour that you can spend is actually not yours at all but all of your life and all of your time are given by grace of God, and how dare you spend your time to read many book and to obtain many knowledge without pray and ask for permission to your Father in Heaven.
c. Some people among you are already intoxicated by either mkultra project or your tribal tradition’s cult such as judaean talmud or kabbala teaching, but Me really really really really really love you, o generation of viper. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Luke 3:7. Don’t you know that your Father already wait for you to help to remove all toxic and to give you new heart and new mind? But you should be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Ezekiel 18:31-32: ‘Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye.’
That is how you can know that Me, Jesus Christ, really really really really really love you and care to you. That is why: do not invite any more animal and dragon and legion into your heart, that is forbidden and all of you who do not repent and all of you who only love darkness will be punished severely in eternity. Read again and again and again and again and again: the Gospel of John 3:18-25.
That is the article for you today. Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ.

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(a) mkultra project is part of tavistock institute black ops project. Quote: ‘Of the 149 subprojects under the umbrella of mkultra having been identified, project monarch, officially begun by the U.S. Army in the early 1960. A partial list of other mediums used to reinforce base programming are: pinnochio, sleeping beauty, snow white, beauty and the beast, aladdin, the little mermaid, the lion king, e.t., star wars, ghost busters, trancers II, batman, bewitched, fantasy island, reboot, tiny toons, duck tails, the dead sea scrolls and the tall book of make believe. A few movies which depict or portray some aspect of monarch programming are hell raiser 3, raising cain, labyrinth, telefon, johnny mneumonic, point of no return, the lawnmower man and closet land.’ url:
(b) tavistock institute. Read Executive Intelligence Report from larouche publication, where the network of tavistock institute is clarified and scrutinized: url:
(c) larry ellison purchase all id of usa citizen. Quote: ‘We need a national ID card with our photograph and thumbprint digitized and embedded in the ID card,' ellison said in an interview Friday night on the evening news of KPIX-TV in San Francisco. 'We need a database behind that, so when you're walking into an airport and you say that you are larry ellison, you take that card and put it in a reader and you put your thumb down and that system confirms that this is larry ellison,' he said.’ url:
(c) fourth reicht and george bush family is responsible behind so many world war including second world war. Quote: 'The order of skull and bones, of which george bush is an initiated member, is one of a global network of secret societies known as the brotherhood of death. skull and bones, was created as an American chapter of the German thule society which initiated and trained hitler in the secret doctrine. Dope, Inc.: The Book That Drove kissinger crazy is the Executive Intelligence Review's expose of the anglo-american oligarchy's drug smuggling syndicate since the days of the opium wars, in which covert operations george h.w. bush was the kingpin.' url:
(d) scientology. quote: 'l. ron hubbard dianetics and scientology technical dictionary. The serpent is the gnostic serpent of knowledge.' source:

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