
Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

free marketeer and how carlyle group destroy many middle eastern region countries

by Jesus Christ

some people think that the old problem between middle eastern country resistance toward democracy is partly caused by middle eastern culture of aristocracy that is a number of prince of saudi arabian country who do not want to give freedom to their people. Actually there are a number of hypothesis in order to explain why there is no significant democracy development in middle eastern region, including a hypothesis submitted by a number of russell sage foundation scholar, that is jim sidanius,(e) and that is about the presence of resistance to hegemonic big country that is usa.
Actually there is other explanation for ever unstable region that is persian gulf region, and that is because there is a secret organization who design and orchestrate a number of conflict in persian gulf, in order that the oil price can be put steadily ever increasing, and not only in persian gulf, but also they create a number of rebellion soldier group including financing their military army expenses in order there is always calamity in a number of big oil exporter country, including venezuela, nigeria. Don’t you know that such a hypothesis is never allowed to appear in foreign review journal or other political review journal including journal of social science, exactly because a number of those journal publisher are supported and controlled and scrutinized by the same tavistock institute.
Now a number of people can ask how can oil corporation support those tavistock institute, is there problem with those oil corporation? For you to know that all multinational corporation including oil corporation are not neutral at all, even some of them already work out a corporate responsibility program. But you should know that controlling oil price in order some oil corporate who own and purchase and put so many oil in their warehouse and storage facility to get so many profit, is actually the objective of a number of very very very giant oil company and also a number of a few oil company which is organized and orchestrated by carlyle group people.(f) And that is actually how tavistock organization administer and orchestrate a number of small battle in all region of persian gulf in order they can obtain higher oil price only in western Europe and America, while the oil price in persian gulf are kept constant. And don’t you know how they create that effect? Only via a number of news creation in order all people in western Europe and also America including so many asian country will succumb to their fake story and believe that there is shortage of supply and that is why: oil market price always have tendency to increase and increase every day. Don’t you know that market price is influenced a number of price forming factor, including information or news in a given day, government announcement of new regulation, and also a number of book and theory supplied for mind manipulation by people supported by tavistock institute?
And that is how you comprehend properly that actually what you believe today can affect market price, for example if you expect that government will stop supply of apple imported from a foreign country tomorrow, then you will be hurry to go to a fruit market to find and purchase that apple, provided you like to eat apple and you got enough mammon in your wallet. And now you already listen to My Voice via My messenger’s many many article that he type to remind you that Me already come again in Jerusalem, and then why you do not be hurry be hurry and be quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, o generation of viper? Don’t you know that your Father in Heaven already wait for you for more than two thousand year? Don’t you know that two thousand year actually mean that you already delay delay delay delay and postpone your repentance for not less than 730000 day? And that is why: some of you actually are already changed to become descendant of the old dragon, and some of you are already punished severely in eternity because they are hardheaded stupid serpent and do not want to repent at all and do want to receive Me, Jesus Christ.
Don’t you know that multinational corporation is not as naïve as you think at first glance, because most of them have been targeted by a number of stockholder, otherwise their ceo will be ousted quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly immediately. And that is the reason why multinational corporation can be so cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel to other people especially all people in foreign and developing country, including asian country and nigeria and also other country especially to country who are already blessed with a number natural resources. Read a book but you can read a summary which can be found online in numerous place. [2] The essence of the problem is that actually if you maximize utility until some limit, and then you will succumb to worship mammon because you always want more and more and more and more and more until you conquer the world. And that is how a number of old empire that is business family in south east asia fall and fall and fall and fall into a number of very very very very very cruel practice of modern version of human slavery and black market activity, because they follow a black sect and that is satanic organization. Read the following phrase quoted from kunio yoshihara:
Quote: ‘Yap Ah Loy's tin mines In Kuala Lumpur employed several thousand people. His business may qualify as the first Chinese capitalistic institution in the region, but the reason he was able to organize such a large scale operation is that he was the head of a secret society who resorted to violence for the protection and expansion of his business.’[3]
Don’t you know that that is exactly the meaning of temptation as described in the Gospel of Matthew 4:9-10. And that is why: do not succumb to darkness power, that is serpent power sect and satanic organization only because you want to be richer and richer and richer. Otherwise your destiny will be to fall fall fall fall and fall forever. And that is exactly the pattern of almost all conqueror in the world, including oliver cromwell,(a) he fall to a number of sect that is freemasonry and gnostics and magics and idolatry and rosicrucian sect, and then he were so cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel, even he already completed translation of a number of chapter of the Bible. Similarly you can find that pattern in another part of the Bible, and that is the book of Ecclesiastes 7:10-13, 5:9. And that is the meaning of what is written by ecclesiastes book writer: there is no profit under the sun, because what is the advantage for you if you got all of those thing in the world, but you lose your soul? Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 16:25-26.
And for you to know, that is why Me, Jesus Chris, already give you a lesson on how you should pray properly, and that is what you can call: our Father in Heaven prayer, and the meaning is that if you collect and collect and collect numerous amount of wealth and mammon, and then you will fall fall fall fall and fall to become descendant of the old serpent. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 6:9-13. In order you to comprehend properly what is the effect of collecting numerous mammon, you can find the following illustration sketched by My messenger in order you can avoid the pitfall which almost all tycoon in the world already fall, that is they follow darkness and satan itself in order they can be richer and richer and richer and richer and richer, and that is including rockefeller,(c) soros, larry ellison, larry summers, and george bush family who worship skull and bone sect.(d) the pattern is always the same from the beginning of human being: all people who worship mammon will carry numerous excess baggage including all their palace and all their vehicle and so on in their heart, and they forget to love and worship God only, exactly because their heart is full by those thing that they collect and purchase.
And don’t you know that a number of dragon family including liong family in southeast asia actually they are already very very very very very prosperous, powerful, and cruel, but they want more and more and more and more power, and that is the character of all descendant of the old serpent, that is all follower of serpent of wisdom: all of them are doing magick and idolatry and blasphemy numerous time in order they can be the most powerful and the most prosperous family in the world, and nowaday they joint force in order to collect numerous legacy from other family in order they can terminate a number of president in south east asia region, and that is the plan of tavistock institute: they want to put all dragon family on the top government in all over the world. And that is why: be hurry be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to destroy all dragon court family including liong family in Indonesia, and also all hartadi angkasubrata family, and also soros family in new york, and also smarandache family in mexico, and also all smaranda enache family in targu mures village in romania.(b) All of dragon court family are very very very very very prosperous, powerful and dangerous, and that is why: only if you are very very very very very determined Christian people you will do that exactly according to what Me, Jesus Christ, order you to do. Other Christian family, including a number of business partner and relative of the liong family in Indonesia do not dare and do not have willingness to take action to destroy that dragon family, because they have weak heart. And to all people who do not do God’s Will in their life, only because they worry worry worry worry worry about their life and then they betray other Christian people especially those who do evangelism, all of those people who serve two master and worship mammon will be punished severely in eternity, because actually those who not work together for Me, Jesus Christ, are enemy of Me, Jesus Christ. Now you should know that time has come for you to separate yourself from all people who follow and succumb themselves to the darkness, and refuse to do God’s Will in their life, they are not Christian at all, because in their life they only serve their master, and that is mammon. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 6:24. And to all of you who are really really determined to work for Me, Jesus Christ: be hurry be hurry be very very very very hurry to destroy and ruin all darkness power in your country, including tavistock institute, russell sage foundation, liong family in Indonesia, smarandache family, smaranda enache family, george soros family and its foundation in new york, carlyle group in middle east region, and also george bush family in tenesseville in texas, usa. All of them are prosperous, powerful, dangerous, and disastrous and monstrous, and that is all the character of the dragon family. But you should not worry and worry and worry about your life, do not worry about anything, and do not worry about what you shall wear and what you shall eat, just repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today and then do your best to terminate and destroy all the dragon family literally speaking, including all their palace and all their warehouse and all their ship and all their private jet. And that is how you can do your repentance properly as a society. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy chapter 13.
And that is the message: do not worry do not worry about anything, just repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly and be hurry be hurry to destroy and ruin completely tavistock institute and all scholar who work and promote tavistock institute in your country.
Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article and all the endnote comment here are written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow My messenger to type this article in order you can do your repentance properly both as an individu and also as a society. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ

[1] Jesus Christ (2010) how social darwinism ruin America and the world. Thesis submitted to asian theological seminary, in the Philippines. The file can be obtained from the following url:
[2] noorena hertz, the silent take over, published sometime ago, but My messenger forget completely the year of publication and also the publisher name. a number of problematic situation in developing country caused by a number of mnc are exposed in that book, but do not think that Me, Jesus Christ, approve all the description mentioned in that book, because that book omit one big problem that is orchestrated warfare by a number of war trader and war monger including mercenary soldier, which are financed and administered by tavistock institute. and Me, Jesus Christ, do not approve either generalization in that book that all mnc have similar problematic, unless there problem can be proved, but do not fall either to think so naïve that mnc who have yearly revenue much more than what your country annual budget, will not do anything to maximize their utility by influencing your inside country and local government. Don’t you know that a number of mining company in eastern region in a developing country and that is freeport company already ruin the entire province by intoxicating the local people with a number of mind manipulation project, including supply of television, radio and other thing, until those people forget that they do not have any return at all from the cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel company. And the central government do not get any return at all, because of the cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel mnc only have to give 20% of their production revenue to indonesia government, because those mnc prefer to give mammon and wealth to a number of government family, and that is soeharto family. Read the following article and also read a thorough study by kunio yoshihara from kyoto university who explore and investigate in detail how crony capitalism grow like mushroom in southeast asia region. That book is rather outdated, but you can learn an eternal truth that all exploitation of human in order to increase and maximize utility always introduce crime aspect and that is inevitable, because by the time you worship mammon you will succumb to darkness and then you will fall fall fall fall fall to a number of committing with illegal activity.
[3] kunio yoshihara (1987) the problem of continuity in Chinese businesses in south east
asia, south east asian studies vol 25 no.3, December 1987. url:
http://repository.kulib.kyotou. the complete book is: kunio yoshihara (1988) the rise of ersatz capitalism in south east asia.

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(a) Quote: ‘From 1641 to 1645, cromwell led a band of puritans into battle during the first british civil war. The financial backers of his military efforts were the rosicrucian. Moreover, the well placed rosicrucian gave cromwell advance knowledge of british troop movements, consequently he won every battle. Later, during his protectorate, cromwell surrounded himself with rosicrucian masons. Some time between the beginning of the british civil war in 1641…, cromwell joined a rosicrucian masonic lodge. Soon afterward the rose croix spread rapidly among the puritans.' url:
(b) dragon court. URL:
(c) i.g. farben & rockefeller. Quote: ‘i.g.farben not only produced gasoline for the nazi war machine, it manufactured "Zyklon B", used slave labor before and during the war, owned bayer pharmaceuticals which according to a current lawsuit was directly involved in josef mengele's horrific auschwitz experiments, and was spared from Allied bombings due to its rockefeller interests. Leading war-time journalist George Seldes attempted to reveal this "unholy alliance" through his newspaper articles, but was rarely published at the time’. source:
(d) bush family from herbert bush administer and support hitler administration in second world war, and they are even more powerful subsequently, exactly because after the war there is numerous building to be rebuilt again and that is how they can make so many profit from post-war Europe development. They call that method of dragon family as: creation through destruction. Quote: ‘To predict the imminent rise of the fourth reich may seem radical to readers who do not know about the bush role in funding/directing the nazi's genocidal program and the revival of eugenics projects through the alliance of wealthy families that was forged in the first half of the century. The close ties between the bush family and other eugenically-obsessed elites remained strong and george h.w. bush (skull & bones, 1948) picked up where his father left off with the added daunting task of making the dirty work of eugenics once again look respectable in America.’ source:
(e) jim sidanius publish a paper under affiliation of russell sage foundation, which is available online. The title is: ‘why do they hate us so?’ in that article he argue in favor of alternative scheme to explain post-9/11 cataclysmic event, based on survey to a number of people, but among the list of alternative cause, they omit one significant alternative and that is: that all ruining and destroying a number of obsolete building is exactly what is planned by the fourth reicht government, that is what you can find in moore’s documentary movie on fahrenheit 911, which expose in detail the reaction and possible alternative cause of such disaster in America history. Be wary be wary because the same series of cataclysmic event are already planned to take full effect exactly this year, and remember that those cruel cruel cruel dragon family including bush family can do anything, including creating and financing the entire hitler army in the second world war, and that is what they plan to put into full effect by this year, and that is the target: all of you America people, Europe people, middle eastern region people, and also asian country people, and that is the meaning of mengele plan. That is why: destroy completely all russell sage foundation building, all bush empire building and all bush family building in tenneseville in texas, all rockefeller center building, all zbigniew brzezinski center building, all of them are enemy of usa people, and also enemy of all Europe and all middle east region people, and also enemy of Me, Jesus Christ. Love, Jesus Christ. All of you Christian people should be brave and separate yourself from all scornful people especially from all dragon court family and from all people who already succumb to darkness power and worship satan. And that is the meaning of separation between the lamb and the sheep. Read again and again and again and again and again the Gospel of Matthew 25:31-33. That is why: follow Me, Jesus Christ, only.
(f) carlyle group introduction. Quote: ‘It is hard to imagine an address closer to the heart of American power. The offices of the Carlyle Group are on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC, midway between the White House and the Capitol building, and within a stone's throw of the headquarters of the FBI and numerous government departments. The address reflects Carlyle's position at the very centre of the Washington establishment, but amid the frenetic politicking that has occupied the higher reaches of that world in recent weeks, few have paid it much attention. Elsewhere, few have even heard of it. This is exactly the way Carlyle likes it. For 14 years now, with almost no publicity, the company has been signing up an impressive list of former politicians - including the first President Bush and his secretary of state, James Baker; John Major; one-time World Bank treasurer Afsaneh Masheyekhi and several south-east Asian powerbrokers - and using their contacts and influence to promote the group. Among the companies Carlyle owns are those which make equipment, vehicles and munitions for the US military, and its celebrity employees have long served an ingenious dual purpose, helping encourage investments from the very wealthy while also smoothing the path for Carlyle's defence firms.’ url: see also url:

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