
Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

Summary of recent papers written by Me, Jesus Christ

by Jesus Christ

The message: We will come again very very soon, be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Tweet this message quickly and distribute this message to all your friends including to as many friends in other countries as you can, quickly quickly today. Follow us at


viXra:1001.0006 [pdf] submitted on 6 Jan 2010
Decision Making and Decision System Support
Authors: Jesus Christ
We love you all nations, but time is very very limited. Be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. You should know that Me, Jesus Christ, will come again very very soon, that is why: you should be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly. This book in this file is not complete yet, because this book is in preparation. The title of this book is: Decision making and decision system support. That is the message: you should do your repentance properly as a society, and make the improvement as per necessary in order to bring order and justice to your society. Be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Please tweet this message quickly and distribute this message to as many countries as you can, including all your friends, quickly today.

viXra:1001.0005 [pdf] submitted on 6 Jan 2010
Why You Should Not Maximize Utility: Implications for Social Virtue
Authors: Jesus Christ
We love you all nations, but time is very very limited. Be hurry, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. You should know that Me, Jesus Christ, will come again very very soon, that is why: you should be hurry to repent and do your repentance properly. This book in this link is actually a thesis written and dictated and instructed by authority that is Me, Jesus Christ, in order you can do your repentance properly as a society. The title of this thesis is: Why you should not maximize utility: implications for social virtue. You should be hurry to improve as per necessary economy and social policy, and remove all prosperity theology preachers among you quickly today. Stop today and immediately social darwinism policy quickly today. That is the message: be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Please tweet and distribute this message to as many countries as you can including all your friends quickly, I repeat quickly, today.

viXra:1001.0003 [pdf] submitted on 6 Jan 2010
Cultural Approach in Evangelism
Authors: Jesus Christ
We love you all nations, but time is very very limited. Be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. You should know Me will come again very very soon, Twelve Gates are already opened. Twelve Gates are a book contain eleven chapters and one chapter, which include translation of a guide to help you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, into more than thirty languages. This book in this link is actually a thesis written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow you to read this thesis in order you can repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly. The title of this thesis is: Cultural approach in Evangelism. That is the message: be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Please tweet this message quickly and distribute this message to as many countries as possible including all your friends today.

viXra:0912.0055 [pdf] submitted on 27 Dec 2009
Articles Dictated by Jesus Christ. Book Two
Authors: Jesus Christ
We love you all nations, but time is very very limited. Be hurry, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. This file is the second book of compilation of articles dictated by Jesus Christ. You should know that Me will come again very very soon, be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Tweet this message and distribute this message quickly. The content of the article: compilation of articles written and dictated by Jesus Christ

viXra:0912.0054 [pdf] submitted on 27 Dec 2009
7 Steps to Repent and Receive Jesus Christ
Authors: Jesus Christ
We love you all nations, be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. This file is the first chapter of a book contain eleven chapters and one chapter. Each chapter include four to six translation of the guide to help you to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly. That is the message: be hurry, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Please tweet this message and distribute this message to all your friends quickly.

viXra:0912.0053 [pdf] submitted on 27 Dec 2009
Information Economics and Evangelization
Authors: Jesus Christ
We love you all nations, but time is very very limited. Be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. This paper describe Wealth equation from the viewpoint of information economics. You should know that Evangelization is very critical for the wealth of a nation. That is the message: be hurry, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Please read Isaiah 45:22-25. You should know that Twelve Gates are already opened, that is twelve chapters of a book contain translation of a guide to help people to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, into more than 30 languages. Please tweet this message quickly: be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world.

viXra:0912.0037 [pdf] submitted on 16 Dec 2009
How Can You Know the Second Coming is Near?
Authors: Jesus Christ
We love you all nations, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. You should know that time is very very limited. Me will come again very very soon, that's why you should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Don't worry, don't worry about anything, just repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. That is the message: be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Please tweet this message and distribute it to all your friends quickly.

viXra:0912.0036 [pdf] submitted on 16 Dec 2009
Articles Dictated by Jesus Christ
Authors: Jesus Christ
We love you all nations, but time is very very limited. Be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Find a guide to help you repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, in this link Print this guide, copy as many as you can, and distribute the copies to as many countries as you can, including Asian countries such as China and Vietnam. Please tweet this message: the message is, be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Please read Isaiah 45:22-25. You should know that the Twelve Gates are already opened. The meaning of Twelve Gates is the twelve books of the guide to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, translated into more than 30 languages. You should know that Me, Jesus Christ, will come again very very soon. That's why, be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Please tweet this message and distribute it to all your friends quickly. The message is: be hurry, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.

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