
Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

How you can stop social darwinism

by Jesus Christ

To all of you Christian people, you should know that social darwinism is already taking place everywhere. They are very very cruel, they are powerful, prosperous, and cruel, and that is the character of descendant of the old serpent. Read again and again and again Luke 3:7, Matthew 12:34, Matthew 23:33. They intend to ruin all of the Christian people in Church of Jesus Christ. And they work together in systematic actions in order to put pressure to Christian people to give up, literally speaking.
You should know that they can use numerous methods as described as follows:
a. Education: they will always praise darwin. You can prove with simple test as follows: type darwin word with small d in first letter in MS Office Word, and then you will find the first letter that is d will change automatically to be large capital d. Then replace the first letter that is capital D with a small d again, you will find there is automatic red underline. You will find the same effect of changing the first letter if you type darwinism and malthusian words in MS Office Word. Find, you will, that prosperity theology preachers will argue that the effect is caused by typing a name word. Now prove that they are wrong and very very wrong: type matthew word, luke word and john word in MS Office Word, and you will not find the effect of automatically changing of the first letter for these words. That is My message: verily verily I say unto you, throw away all prosperity theology preachers quickly today into the bottom of the sea. Read again and again and again Matthew 18:6-7.
b. University and college: they will decrease salary or remove completely all Christian professors and students alike including those who work in pure science. They will say numerous badmouth against all Christian people in universities and colleges, that they are not scientific because of their faith. And that is the character of descendant of the old serpent: talk and badmouth. Read again and again and again Matthew 23:13-15. They intend and have will to terminate all of Christian people if they can, that is why they want to remove all Christian people from universities and colleges first, and they call what they plan as purification of science. The plan actually is to deny God in science. Beware of clever scientists who already eat too many fruit of knowledge and literally speaking do not work any good work for society by themselves for long time, and they only speak, speak and speak that they are the most clever scientist in the world, and they cannot prove that anything they do is useful in their career. That is the character of the old serpent: talk, talk, talk, too proud of themselves, do not prove anything useful in their life, very very dependant on their own logical deduction, and demand other scientists to worship them. Actually they only worship themselves, that is blasphemy. They are dangerous.
c. Society: they already put into effect that social darwinism is the dominating political agenda in a number of countries including America, and they convince people that socialism is a good policy for achieving welfare. And you should know that socialism in a capitalized system is a contradiction and that is why: it is only euphemism for their cruel cruel plan, that is social darwinism. The plan is that only those few people who control the society that will survive. They will approve only leaders who agree to adopt social darwinism as dominating political agenda, without reserve, and that is blasphemy. Don’t you know that you should love God only, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. Read again Matthew 22:37. Beware of scientists and economists who are too clever and too advanced in political domain. They intend and have will to borrow some verses from the Bible in order to rationalize their argument that all people should work hard and harder and harder, actually they plan to put all people into termination camp in large scale. That is called the mengele plan.(a) That is the cruel cruel plan of the beast. Read again and again and again Jeremiah 22:13-14, Revelation 13:17-18.
d. Environment: they already put into effect so many times with advanced technology such that the poor countries will reduce and eventually eliminate their population. They call that program as eliminating poverty.(b) They can create artificially generated famine, flood, and other environment adversity by using weather modification technology in order to put so many pressure to poor people in poor countries, especially in Asian and African countries. For some people this idea is beyond imagination because they do not know and do not read science, but the technology for doing that is already discovered, and they are already banned, but those cruel persons who worship the beast will release the technology again for weather modification in large scale. Stop them now. Stop all uses of chemicals for weather modification. Find the regulation to stop weather modification technology for military purposes in 1977 (United Nations).(c)
e. Economics: they already put into effect that only a few rich people will survive in the next series of financial turmoil. That is artificial turmoil which is designed in order to remove completely poor people from economics system. They call it eliminating poverty program. And they intend and have will to terminate scientists and economists who discover and try to stop their cruel plan. You should know that there are predictions that turmoil will take effect this year, but you should know that it is actually a planned turmoil.
f. Newspaper and media: they already replace the editors of most reputable newspapers and magazines and television channels in America, Europe and Asia and other continents, with editors who support social darwinism. And they call that program as purification. The plan is to remove all Christian people from newspapers and media. And they will reject all articles and subscribers who work for Jesus Christ. Don’t you know that America newspapers have been dominated by socialist editors? That is very very cruel because they only want to survive themselves and don’t care of the people in the poor countries. They even don’t care of majority of American people who remain poor and undereducated. Beware of articles which preach prosperity theology, social darwinism, or any effort to wipe off collective memory on holocaust in second world war. That is very very cruel and blasphemy, because implicitly they rationalize malthusian program.
g. Institution: beware of institutions and organizations which support human trafficking, trading of human organs in black market, eugenic technology, and prosperity theology, and social darwinism, and other black market activities. Beware of organizations which support weaponry trading or trading of weather modification technology. Beware of organizations which support Richardson processes in developing countries, they plan to make people in developing countries eliminating each other in order to ruin all economy, literary speaking. They are so cruel, powerful and prosperous, all of them are descendant of the old serpent. Read again Luke 3:7, Isaiah 59:3-5. Pray and ask to God first before you expose their actions in public newspaper and other media.
h. Government: the predominating political agenda in America and Europe is socialism and social darwinism. That is why they intend to remove all Christian people from government offices. And they will not listen to other Christian scientists, except the prosperity theology preachers. In fact, the prosperity theology preachers are the false priests. That is why: throw away all prosperity theology preachers quickly today into the bottom of the sea. Read again and again and again Matthew 6:24, Matthew 18:6-7.
i. Church: they already intoxicate all the Church of Jesus Christ with prosperity theology preachers and positive thinking philosophy. That is not the teaching of Jesus Christ. You should know that you should not serve two masters, but prosperity theology preachers insist that you can pray and ask for anything you want if you pray with confidence. The prosperity theology preachers often quote Matthew 7:7-8. That is not true, you should pray according to our Father in Heaven prayer, and pray only what you really need in your life. Read again and again and again Matthew 6:9-13. That is why: throw away all prosperity theology preachers quickly today into the bottom of the sea.
j. Family: they already intoxicate numerous families in modern countries including America and Europe and Japan and other Asian countries, by using television and advertisement, that people should work hard and strive for wealth only in their life. That is actually soft political propaganda. And even if you work hard you will find that the return is marginal, because they will take your saving in bank by creating inflation. That is the principle of modern economics in developed countries and in developing countries too. The answer is: don’t put your saving in earth, but work for the Kingdom of Heaven. Read again and again and again Matthew 6:33.

Now what you can do to stop that cruel social darwinism terror?
There are only few people who will survive in the second time of tribulation, which happen to be created by social darwinism propaganda and terror. Read again and again and again Revelation 3:20-21. You should know that the second time of tribulation will be harder and harder than the first time of tribulation. And you should know that temptations will be more and more subtle than before, because they will put in effect using technology. That is why: actually you should pray only our Father in Heaven prayer, but you should pray also according to what Holy Spirit guide you each moment.
The following are a number of simple steps which you can do in order to stop social darwinism in your society. You cannot stop the beast because only your Father in heaven can stop and punish it forever in eternity.
a. In university and college library: throw away all prosperity theology books and darwinism books. And throw away all books which support darwinism, malthusianism, social darwinism and evolution theory. All of them are false priests. Throw away all prosperity theology preachers and all the books of false priests quickly today into the bottom of the sea.
b. Archaeology: you should know that evolution theory is in contradiction with factual finding in archaeology, but the problem is those findings which do not agree and do not support evolution theory have been removed systematically from university and college libraries. They do that in order to wipe off collective memory that there are numerous archaeological findings which do not support evolution theory. All papers which do not support evolution theory are discarded systematically and given label unscientific. See for example Forbidden Archaeology book (d), which you can search in Google. That book is forbidden in most universities except in a few libraries. Copy this book if you are a scientist and study the content, and you will find a number of discoveries which do not support evolution theory. But you should not give the book to evolution theorists, because they will remove you from the university or college.
c. University and college: do not admit that you are against evolution, but do admit in public that you already repented and receive Jesus Christ. Some of you will be removed from universities and colleges, but you should not follow their offer to deny Me, Jesus Christ. Please read Matthew 10 and Mark 13. Don’t you know that this is the second time of tribulation, and you will find that that is harder and harder to do work for yourself. That is why you should focus to work for the Kingdom of heaven.
d. Newspaper and media: expose the cruel plan and the real facts of your society in public newspaper and media. Do not let yourself surrender into the temptation to admit that worship mammon and social darwinism is good for your society. You should know that some newspapers and media have been taken over by those influential persons who support social darwinism. That is why: send your articles only to a few newspapers and Christian media, and do pray and ask to God to help you.
e. Society: do your best to help people who are poor and needy around you, give your clothe to those who do not have clothe, and give shelter to those who are homeless, and give job to those who are jobless, but do not receive any offering from animal. You should be an example first before you ask other Christian people to do the same service for those who are needy and poor. You should remember that each thing that you do for those people who are poor and needy, you do that for Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again Matthew 25:31-46. Be compassionate and merciful as a society, that is the message. Read again and again and again Matthew 9:9-13.
f. Church: throw away all prosperity theology preachers quickly today into the bottom of the sea. Read again and again and again Matthew 18:6-7. Do not allow your attention and worship to God to be distracted by so many things in your life, which make you worship mammon. Distraction make you do blasphemy. Read again and again and again Matthew 6:24-25. You should love God only, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. You should repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do not receive anything else. Pray according to our Father in heaven prayer, and ask your Father in heaven so He give you release from Evil. Read again and again Matthew 6:9-13, Revelation 20:3. Don’t worry about anything, just work for the Kingdom of heaven first, and God will bless you more. Read again and again and again Matthew 6:25-33.

This article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow you to read this article in order you can read, repent, and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow My messenger, that is this writer, to type this article in order you can read and repent and do your repentance properly both personally and as a society. That is the message: be hurry, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Tweet this message quickly and distribute this message to all your friends today.


(a) You should know that social darwinism is part of mengele plan, that is to put all Christian people in termination camp in large scale, that is to remove all of Christian people from the economic system. mengele survive from prison and now live somewhere in Latin America, and he is released for a while by some people which is very cruel. mengele is the beast referred in the Bible, read again and again and again Revelation book, chapter 12 and 13. See also NSSM 200, that is depopulation policy. That is very very cruel. source:


(c)weather modification, vaccination (V.A.E.R.S.), is a part of depopulation policy, see NSSM 200 established in USA. The meaning is that there are powerful people who want to eliminate poor people in order to protect their own interests. That is very very cruel. One should not eliminate people, they should find solution. There are numerous supporters of that social darwinism policy, including club of rome (Limits of Growth) and also bertrand russel. They are very very cruel. source:

(d)Michael Cremo & Richard L. Thompson, Forbidden Archaeology, URL: see also: Remark by Jesus Christ: 'the authors of this book do not support evolution theory, but they do not support creation theory either. My messenger only remember this reference because this book put so many pictures which do not agree with evolution theory, but he only read Introduction in online page of the summary given in ciencia_forbiddenarcheology01.htm. Me, Jesus Christ, do not agree at all with the conclusion and viewpoint of this book, however this book provide an example of how evolution theorists discarded systematically all data which do not agree with their own view, the process is called knowledge filtration. My messenger actually has another point of view, that is the Galapagos sample is not reliable enough and too small to be used as inductive reasoning to generalize the findings. That is statistical point of view, but My messenger is not archaeology scientist. You should not believe a theory only because nobody find counter argument to that theory, believe only to God. Me, Jesus Christ, suggest an experiment to prove that there was Loch Ness monster in New Zealand long time ago, and that is large animal called in Bible as leviathan. You can read in Bible, in Isaiah but My messenger forget the correct verse. Now I help him again, the correct verse is: Isaiah 27:1, and Psalm 74:12-14. Creationists often refer to this argument as plesiosaur discovery. See URL: And now you find there are counter argument to evolution theory: a. plesiosaur discovery, b. statistical sample is not adequate, c. numerous archaelogy finding contradicts evolution theory. That is the message: be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Read again and again Isaiah 45:22-25.'

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