
Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

how social darwinism ruin science research

by Jesus Christ

how social darwinism ruin science research

Some people believe that social darwinism has something to contribute to science research. That is why they think that social darwinism is worthy to teach in classroom. Don’t you know what is the effect? The effect is nowadays everyone become animal, that is they now strive to be stronger, faster, quicker, and then smarter. For they know that if they do not do that they will be ousted, because they learn that indicator for fittest is population growth (a), and if they do not survive they cannot grow their family, and their family will extinct and everyone will think that they are not fit to the environment. Eventually that is why: all people in education system including scientists and science managers become cruel to each other. All of them want to dominate the world, literally speaking that is because they worship the old serpent. Read again and again and again and again Matthew 4:9-11.
To all of you: that is really really cruel, and you can find numerous report that there are cruel cruel management mistakes in education system. We can mention one recent paper by rosinger (b). There is cruel principle for professors in college and universities in United States and then become custom in other continents including Europe and Asia. That principle is called ‘publish or perish.’ There is even a publisher in massachussets with name: Publish or Perish. The principle actually is quite simple: that is strict minimal requirement for scholars to write and publish a number of original work for a unit of time, and also to rank professors and researchers based on their published papers in peer-review journals.
That is very very cruel, because they only want you to be faster faster and smarter smarter without proper time and attention to your family and also no time to worship God and also no time to help other people who are needy and poor among you. That is very cruel, because literally speaking they want you to spend your whole lifetime to work work work and work until you die. That is the principle of social darwinism. Do you know that the current government want to take all the social benefit including basic healthcare benefit for the poor and poorest people, and they call that: natural selection. For you to know that the current government in United States is very very cruel cruel cruel, they want you to die as soon as possible, and that is mengele plan.(c) That is mengele plan: they want to make all people to struggle for survival, just like what they did in Second World War, that is to make a termination camp at larger scale: your country. And they introduce a number of euphemism terminology for notifying other people to approve their plan, for example: eliminating poverty, depopulation policy, anti immunization disease syndrome (AIDS).
For you to know: My messenger is not in an education institution, although he was there in college, and actually he do not know what actually happen in United States’s education system, he only know a number of researchers because he administered a preprint server for rejected science papers, that is why he know that some people in authority doing science as practically as propaganda. And he once thought that there are a few people behind those cruel policy in science, but he do not know who are they behind that cruel policy in science. Actually he found a book around two years ago and he found that the paperclip project is a real real project in order to give save haven for a number of those people who were responsible in termination camp in Second World War period. Today a professor ask how do you know the name of the project, actually nobody dare to discuss again the paperclip project. Actually My messenger do not know the extent of the project, and he only found a book discussing that paperclip project in the context of competition to develop rocket to the moon, between Russian government and United States government during fifties.
There is other book, and he read that book when he was a student in junior school, and the name of that book is the Bible.
There is other book, and he read that book when he was a student in college, and the book is actually management literature in another management book. And the name of that management literature book, now I, Jesus Christ, allow My messenger to mention, that is: the peter principle, written by lawrence j. peter. That is a cruel book, actually a really really really cruel book. A number of management mistakes were discussed improperly, as if they are caused by a simple principle called peter principle, and the writer of that book only described his argument improperly but he made the book more interesting because he put so many quotations from other people. My advise is: do not read that book. Do not read other book except the Bible.
That is the principle: social darwinism only want you to struggle for survival until you die, and then you fall. That is why: they allow you to do anything, except going to church, repent, receive Jesus Christ, and worship God. That is very very cruel because they make your life miserable and they plan to make all people to become animal, either you are a student or a researcher or a professor, you have to struggle for your survival. Literally speaking they want all people to become animal and worship the old serpent only. That is the program of social darwinism. Read again and again and again and again Luke 3:7, Luke 3:7.
That is the conclusion of My article: social darwinism contradict with basic principle in education, that is to humanize people. Literally speaking, social darwinists plan to animalize people, either in education institution, in science, in hospital, and in economy. And they will tell you numerous times that all people are thinking animal, social animal, and economic animal, and that is the message: they want you to keep become animal and fall forever. That is the principle of social darwinism: you can do anything but be animal and you can survive, do not be Christian because you will be stupid, only follow darwin. Eventually all of you should become reptile and that is darwin plan, and your Father in Heaven hate darwin plan, darwinism and all followers of darwin and those who practice and teach social darwinism. And they will make effect that Christian people should be persecuted and ousted from academic system including schools, colleges and universities.
For you to know, that there is a simple experiment to make you sure, that the plan is really really subtle: type darwinism word in MS Office Word, and you will find no effect of automatically changing of the first letter of that word, that is d, to become large d. Now try again with darwin word and darwinist word in MS Office Word, and you can find that there is automatically changing effect of the first letter of those two words. Actually darwin was inspired by reading malthus, that is why you can type malthus and malthusian word with small first letter as before, and you will find another automatically changing of the first letter, that is from small m to become large m. That is the principle: they want to put darwin and darwinist and malthus names to be big names, but they want to put all Christian people to not be able to work in education institution, in USA or in other countries. Now you can verify the same effect do not happen for Gospel writer: type matthew word, type luke word, and type john word in MS Office Word, and you will not get the effect of automatically changing of the first letter of those words: that is m, l, j.
That is the message: the message is be hurry be hurry be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Be hurry be very very very hurry to repent and do your repentance properly, don’t you know that now is Final Harvest. That is the message: you should be hurry to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, without worrying about anything. Read again and again and again and again Matthew 6:25-34, Joel 2:28-29.
This article is written by Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow you to read this article in order you can read and repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow My messenger, that is this writer, to type this article, in order you can read and repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. That is the message: be hurry be hurry be very be very be very be very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Tweet this message quickly and distribute this message to all country including all your friends and family.

Love, Jesus Christ

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(a) URL:
(b) E.E. Rosinger, Wealth creation and science research, preprint in
(c) See NSSM 200, that is depopulation policy as part social darwinism and mengele plan. Source:

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