
Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

how you can do your best without being a great evangelist

by Jesus Christ

Don’t you know that numerous people in the world require so many help, and they resemble sheep without shepherd.
Don’t you know that if you do not do anything in common with the world, you remain have to accomplish a number of simple task for the Kingdom of Heaven, including do not speak harsh to My messenger, and do not speak calm to numerous anti-Christ.
Don’t you know that if you do speak calm to numerous anti-Christ among you, then you will not know anymore whether you follow him or you follow Me, Jesus Christ.
Don’t you know that time is really really up, and that is why: do your best to speak about Me, Jesus Christ.
And in order you to know how Me, Jesus Christ, really really really really really love you, do your best to speak first about Me, Jesus Christ, before you handle your daily duty.
And after that, do your best to go home and repeat that to all your neighbor including all your family quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you.
Love, Jesus Christ


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