
Minggu, 04 April 2010

why you should stop doing trading and currency exchange speculation

by Jesus Christ

Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Revelation 18:11-13.
Some people think that there is no problem with foreign exchange or foreign currency market as far as you protect carefully the investment that your business partner lend you to take care their fund. Don’t you know that doing trading is a blasphemy just as what you see in the movie such as merchant of venice.
Don’t you know that if you do trading numerous time then you only care about one thing in your life, and that is how to make profitable transaction, either by buying at low price and selling at high price, no mater what is the property or the merchandise that you put into transaction, including you do not have heart at all if you have to do human trafficking, mass immigration to u.s.a, or you sell children for adoption or you sell human organ in black market in other country. What you do care is only how to make money come into your pocket. And the meaning is that you become something like animal who only want to maximize utility and go far away from pain, just like what behaviorism economist always tell you, and you buy their idea and their language.(b) And you do not have heart at all because actually you worship satan itself, who want you to do whatever it tell you to do. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 4:9-10, 6:24.
Don’t you know that if you do not do anything for the Kingdom of Heaven and you do not do anything according to what Me, Jesus Christ, order you to do, the meaning is that you are enemy of Me, Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 22:10-13, and also the Gospel of Luke 11:23.
That is why: you should work hard to do so many word for the Kingdom of Heaven, even if salvation is free and that is a gift by grace of God, but you should also be merciful and faithful and fruitful, and you should not take advantage for doing evangelism either. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 9:9-13.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you thank you, Me already help you. and this article is for all of you who think that they can do so many thing including so many trading in order they can be wealthy first before they can spare one or two hour in a week (and no more than that) to do evangelism. That is not evangelism at all even if you speak louder or shout My name in trading floor. Don’t you know that you should do more than just speak speak speak speak speak about Me, because your life is full of toxic and you only want to serve two master and that is because actually you only love mammon in your daily life. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 6:24, 4:9-10. Don’t you know that even if you do pray often and you speak often My name numerous time a day in your conversation, but your heart only worry worry about mammon, then you are not My disciple at all, and you will be punished severely in eternity and you will be ousted from My church. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 7:21-23, and 22:10-14.
Don’t you know that some of you, who belong to currency or stock market trader, do even more cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel plan, and that is : not only you do split a number of company into piece in order you can sell that company as a piece by piece of crap, in order you can make so many profitable regardless how many people who work there become lose their work, and some of you do exactly that same cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel method of split and sell in pieces, but this time not only to a company, but also a number of banking institution, which you call unprofitable merger partner, and you also do the same cheap trick to a piece of land or island, or even a nation, and you also sell a huge number of weapon to a country which is their enemy, in order you can gain advantage from both side of conflicting country. And that is why: all of you who do war for profit making business, and all of you who work with tavistock institute,(a) or with russellsage foundation,(b) all of you will be burned forever in eternity. That is My last warning.

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.

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(a) tavistock institute. quote: ‘Up to that time, tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in
shaping the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in London, in
1913 at wellington house. Previously, wellington house board members rothmere, northcliffe, lippmann.’
(b) list of the twenty nine scholars of russell sage foundation’s behaviorism economics roundtable
Anton Chaitkin, london's black ops projects, executive intelligence report, april 2009, Quote: 'Roundtable 29
The russell sage foundation identifies the “behavioral economics roundtable” members as:
1. henry aaron, Brookings Institution
2. george akerlof, University of California, Berkeley
3. linda babcock, Carnegie Mellon University
4. nicholas c. barberis, Yale University
5. marianne bertrand, University of Chicago
6. roland j. m. benabou, Princeton University
7. colin camerer, California Institute of Technology
8. peter diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
9. jon elster, Columbia University
10. ernst fehr, University of Zurich
11. robert h. frank, Cornell University
12. christine jolls, Harvard University
13. daniel kahneman, Princeton University
14. david laibson, Harvard University
15. george loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University
16. brigitte madrian, University of Pennsylvania
17. sendhil mullainathan, Massachusetts Institute Technology
18. edward d. o’donoghue, Cornell University
19. terrance odean, University of California, Berkeley
20. drazen prelec, Massachusetts Institute Technology
21. matthew rabin, University of California Berkeley
22. thomas schelling, University of Maryland
23. eldar shafir, Princeton University
24. robert shiller, Yale University
-25. cass sunstein, University of Chicago
-26. richard thaler, University of Chicago
27. jean tirole, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse
28. richard zechhauser, Harvard University
29. amos tversky (until his death), Stanford University'

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