
Senin, 12 April 2010

what you can learn in theoretical physics department

by Jesus Christ

list of problem in theoretical physics and also theoretical economics and econometric

(a) what you can and supposed to learn in theoretical physics department:

a.1. there is no spin in Maxwell equations
a.2. there is inconsistence between quantum picture and classical picture of electron
a.3. there is inconsistence of definition of wave equation between Helmholtz and Klein-Gordon equation, meanwhile they indicate that quantum wave equation can be interpreted using classical electromagnetic wave as guiding principle (see Gersten 1999, Christianto 2009.)
a.4. hint: poisson bracket in classical mechanics is actually the same with commutator relation in quantum mechanics,[3] but you will admit that only in classroom, and that is why so many student are so confused because often they do not see the impact of such correlation and correspondence.
a.5. there is no direct observation of quark, and actually fractional charge in QCD is nothing more than false interpretation of charge in close-packed crystal structure.
a.6. unified theory is impossible to be reached by general relativity theory, only possible if you think hard, repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, then you should work in group theory, especially in quaternion group.
a.7. gravitation can be summarized which is able to represent properly Pioneer spacecraft anomaly, which otherwise cannot be explained with general relativity theory, and dark matter cannot be described with general relativity theory.
a.8. there is simple metric which can be derived from quaternion group, and then you can derive both tully fisher law (as a much better alternative than using numerous acronym such as cold dark matter and so forth, in order to explain your idiosyncratic presupposition that there is ninety nine percent of matter that is missing in your calculation paper), and also that metric can be used as guiding principle to predict the expanding earth effect: that metric is called Carmeli metric.[4]
a.9. there is another guiding principle which prevent one to introduce so many cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel absurd circular logic called anthropic principle to determine the planetary distance, and that is: quantization of planetary distance. And that is the meaning: the planetary is put such that only one planet occupy one orbital distance, just as what bohr were inspired to conceive his own model of atomic orbital quantization principle. And that quantization of planetary distance mean that there is God that create the sun and all the planet in the beginning. And the principle can be written in one line only, and that is actually a general principle which some people dream to write in a whiteboard: r=n^2*(GM/v^2), where r, n, v, G,M, are quantized distance of a planet in question given the solar mass M, and quantum number, specific velocity, gravitational constant and solar-like mass in the center of gravitation orbit, respectively. See another book which discuss more in detail updated information on that issue: quantization in astrophysics, brownian motion and supersymmetry (tamil nadu, 2007).

(b) what you learn in theoretical economics (but that is exactly some principle: what you will not learn in harvard or berkeley):
b.1. there is no such thing as marginal utility, because all utility have no value. [2]
b.2. there is no such thing as the law of diminishing utility, because there is only a principle a law of diminishing perceived value;[2]
b.3. there is no such universal meaning of increasing value exponentially caused by interest rate which increase each year: FV= PV*(1 + i)^n, because actually one shall take into consideration that real problem is inflation rate which make your future value of your saving will decrease if you put that with large inflation rate, that is why the actual interest rate shall be written as effective interest rate: i* = effective interest rate = i - inflation rate. [2]
b.4. then the proper formula shall be as described as follows: [2]
FV= PV*(1 + i*)^n = PV*(1 + i - inflation rate)^n. (2)
b.5. and that is why: you should not rely yourself on your saving in a favorite banking. and you should focus yourself on doing so many work for the Kingdom of Heaven.
b.6. some people do not admit the aforementioned problem especially the problem in theoretical physics because basically they only worship their intellectual power and they also worry about sanction and respect by other fellow scientist, actually you should worry about your faith which disappear completely if you only worship your calculation, or else if you are afraid of human perception or you worry about your position only. read again and again and again and again and again the book of the Gospel Matthew chapter 10.:28-33. ‘but whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in Heaven.’
b.7. and that is why: do not worry of your academic career or about your teaching reputation, you should describe properly what is missing in your theoretical department: exactly because you exclude Theos in your theory and then your theoretical department become heretical department. Actually you should admit and fear of God only, and you should know that fear of God is beginning of knowledge. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of proverbs chapter 1.
b.8. there is no such thing as behaviorism economics, and that is why: all people who worship darwinism and behaviorism actually only worship natural selection and animal in their life. And that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then terminate so many behaviorism and darwinism teacher in all your economics department, especially those who worship larry summers and charles dawkins, and charles darwin.[1](a) And you should do your best to admit your error especially if you already do so many mistake in the past, including you write a paper which support darwinism or you are actively involved in the so called social darwinism in your department,[1] and you want all other people to fight each other until they are extinct, you should know that unless you repent and receive Me, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today, then you will also be punished. (a)
b.9. you should not participate and you should not support darwinism, or social darwinism,[1] or chaos theory, or other stupid and cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel theory invented and promoted by tavistock scholar, otherwise you will not appreciate at all what Me teach you to do, and you will not read the Bible at all. (b)

thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Me already help you.
love, Jesus Christ.

note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. don't you know that Me already come again in Jerusalem, and that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then be hurry be hurry be hurry to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, and then work out a plan to repair all your mistake in science and economics, just as what Zacheus and Matthew worked out a plan to repair their mistake, and that is how you can do your repentance properly. read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew chapter 9:9-13.

[1] Jesus Christ (2010) how social darwinism ruin America and all the world. Thesis submitted to Asian Theological Seminary, but they do not want to reply exactly because the electronic message and also the thesis is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ. But the thesis is available online in
[2] Jesus Christ (2010) Logos, Memra, and other letter for economist. Unpublished thesis because time is not enough for doing anything except to work as many as possible for the Kingdom of Heaven. The thesis is available online in
[3] V.Christianto (2009) a derivation of Maxwell equations in quaternion space. Submitted to Nature and accepted in February 2010, and also submitted to iccnam 2009. The file is available online in skydrive (, search for username Victor Christianto.
[4] V.Christianto (2008) Kaluza-klein-carmeli metric in quaternion-Clifford space and some observable. Progress in physics, april 2008, also submitted to iccnam 2008. Ask to professor Wolfgang Sproessig for a proof that the file is already handled properly by editor of iccnam 2008.

written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ.
love, Jesus Christ

follow Jesus Christ only at

(a) list of the twenty nine scholars of russell sage foundation’s behaviorism economics roundtable Anton Chaitkin, london's black ops projects, executive intelligence report, 2009. Quote: 'Roundtable 29
The russell sage foundation identifies the “behavioral economics roundtable” members as:
1. henry aaron, Brookings Institution
2. george akerlof, University of California, Berkeley
3. linda babcock, Carnegie Mellon University
4. nicholas c. barberis, Yale University
5. marianne bertrand, University of Chicago
6. roland j. m. benabou, Princeton University
7. colin camerer, California Institute of Technology
8. peter diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
9. jon elster, Columbia University
10. ernst fehr, University of Zurich
11. robert h. frank, Cornell University
12. christine jolls, Harvard University
13. daniel kahneman, Princeton University
14. david laibson, Harvard University
15. george loewenstein, Carnegie Mellon University
16. brigitte madrian, University of Pennsylvania
17. sendhil mullainathan, Massachusetts Institute Technology
18. edward d. o’donoghue, Cornell University
19. terrance odean, University of California, Berkeley
20. drazen prelec, Massachusetts Institute Technology
21. matthew rabin, University of California Berkeley
22. thomas schelling, University of Maryland
23. eldar shafir, Princeton University
24. robert shiller, Yale University
-25. cass sunstein, University of Chicago
-26. richard thaler, University of Chicago
27. jean tirole, University of Social Sciences, Toulouse
28. richard zechhauser, Harvard University
29. amos tversky (until his death), Stanford University'
(b) tavistock institute. quote: ‘Up to that time, tavistock had successfully retained its secretive role in shaping the affairs of the United States, its government and its people since its early beginning in London, in 1913 at wellington house. Previously, wellington house board members rothmere, northcliffe, lippmann.’

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