
Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Logos in the book of Gospel of John chapter one and Isaiah chapter 55

by Jesus Christ

Some people think that Me, Jesus Christ, were only a teacher of ethics principle according to Torah book, that they often call as pharisee or essene doctrine. And then they call Me, Jesus Christ, as a teacher who lose credential because all other jews people do not accept that old teaching of essene tribe, and then as a consequence they put so many hesitations and so many punishment because they do not like at all that social ethics teaching. Such an argument were exercised by a number of pseudo-scholar who do not even read properly the manuscript of the Gospel of John.
Don’t you know that both baigent and leigh and all of their follower who already submit a file against dan brown because they think that they have the right to hold copyright against all other novelist who quote that preceding fake story or that interpretation of social teacher from essene tribe, all of them including dan brown too will be burned forever in eternity. How dare you think that you hold the copyright of your idea or of your hypothesis which are actually only another hoax which happen from the first century?
Don’t you know that if you do not know the meaning of repentance or if you teach a number of false teaching by purpose to deceit so many Christian people, then you will be burned forever in eternity, especially if your false teaching is about Me, the Logos from Heaven.
Don’t you know that in opposite to your attitude, there are numerous other Christian people who know that Logos have the same root with ‘logic’ in English and then also with ‘light’ in English, and that is why: all people who got fear of God and walk in the Light’s way of life, then they will be like a candle who bring and return the light to the darkness. And that is actually the meaning of the book of Gospel of Matthew chapter 5:14. but you should know that that would not mean that after you are enlightened by Holy Spirit, then you can call yourself as an authority in science, or you are entitled to come to Heaven by doing numerous work in particle physics, for example. Don’t you know that if you want to worship God, you should worship Him in spirit, read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John chapter 4:24-25.
Don’t you know that actually such an interpretation lead to argument that if you comprehend properly a subject in science, then you will be called enlightened, but the meaning is actually one cannot obtain enlightenment by himself or herself, but only after he or she are blessed with Holy Spirit in order he or she comprehend properly a subject without significant deviation from what is the Truth. And that is after they read properly the Bible and think about the meaning of each verse truly and properly. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Psalm 1:2, 119:105. And that is why: all people who love to read the Bible will be full of knowledge, and they will be fear of God, and don’t you know that: fear of God is the beginning of knowledge? Read again and again and again and again and again the book of proverbs chapter 1.
And that is the meaning of thirsty and hunger for the truth (Psalm 1:2), and that kind of thirsty can only be fulfilled by repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, only. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Isaiah chapter 55:1-2, the book of John chapter 12:44-47, 7:37.
And to all of you who now consider seriously that the answer for your hunger for truth in science, you should know that your thirsty cannot be answered by learning or studying biology or philosophy, you should know that there are a place in your heart that can be fulfilled by repent properly and receive Me, Jesus Christ, only. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 3:16, 4;24, 7:37. And the answer is the same with My answer to a clever man in his time and that is to Nicodemus.
And to all of you twisted india people who think that you always read properly science and wisdom through all the ages (-you remain blind exactly because you think that you always see the truth in science-), don’t you know that you are really really getting into so many trouble because you worship so many gods in your life, including you worship so many sage teacher who deceit you completely into believing that only if you follow completely their teaching then you will get salvation. Don’t you know that you cannot find salvation by following numerous false teacher including gandhi, buddha, who really really do not read properly the Bible, except they read only partial chapter of new testament which Thomas the apostle bring to india, but all of you india people always read whatever you like. Yes, you know and you recognize that a chapel of Thomas the apostle were built numerous year because you terminate him with numerous cruelty deed, and don’t you know that: if all of you india people do not repent and do not know the meaning of respect and fear of GOD, and you continue all your cruelty to your own body because you believe that suffering can give you salvation. All of you masochist India people will be burned forever in eternity. Don’t you know that all idolatry that you call religion and actually full of blasphemy story, are actually reflecting your own twisted mind, and that is because you read numerous book and you eat from fruit of knowledge and you almost become similar to tirus people (sometime you mention them as atlantis people, read again and again and again and again and again the book of Ezekiel chapter 28:1-9), who condemn all people who bring the Good News, exactly because they will inform you immediately that you should repent and stop doing numerous blasphemy in your life.
And to all other people in India who do not want to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today: all of you india people who worship numerous gods, including shiva, brahma, gandhi, baba, buddha and numerous other false teacher, all of you including numerous false teacher among you who can only make numerous cheap trick which you call as miracle blessing. All of you who do idolatry and adultery numerous time will be condemned completely and you will not enter to the Kingdom of Heaven. And Thomas the apostle will be your judge, even if he also make numerous mistake in his life numerous time because he is really really really really really a patriotic judaean.
Thank you, thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article and all reference therein are truly the word of God which sometime you call as memra in Hebrew language.(a) Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you. Love, Jesus Christ

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(a) Quote: ‘John Ronning makes a case that the Jewish Targums—interpretive translations of the Old Testament into Aramaic that were read in synagogues—hold the key to understanding John’s Logos title. Examining numerous texts in the fourth gospel in the light of the Targums, Ronning shows how connecting the Logos with the targumic Memra (word) unlocks the meaning of a host of theological themes that run throughout the Gospel of John.’ Chapter 1: which also compare John chapter 1:1 with Isaiah chapter 55 especially 55:11-12. url:

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