by Jesus Christ
Some people do not know how to interpret wavefunction in wave mechanics properly, and that is why: they demand an explanation on how to interpret properly wavefunction in wave mechanics properly even if they already have an interpretation themselves but they do not want to reveal that interpretation to public, but they will always find a reason to punish and terminate other people who think not exactly the same as they think.
Don’t you know that sometime all of you scholar overread those experiment which you often call diffraction experiment or scattering of photon? Don’t you know that a pen are a pen and a moon are a moon, that is because you will never figure out how many number of plural electron inside a pen, and that is why singular object is actually always unquantifiable phenomenon, and that is why: even better if you do not argue with My messenger about the usage of singular or plural word because he only type what Me, Jesus Christ, order him to type, just like a morse coder in a ship, literally speaking.
Some of you general relativistic theoretician are so twisted and you already worship a cat, because you do not know how to figure out what is inside the mind of cat. Don’t you know that sometime ago My messenger write an article concerning a simplified version of schrodinger cat experiment and he is even more clever and he wish to debunk all hoax concerning collapsing wave function pseudo-theory which nowaday is already becoming a mainstream theory concerning interpretation of wave mechanics.[2] Don’t you know that that is forbidden forever to worship a cat or another animal or a coffeemaker or a human with stupid name such as schrodinger or wigner? And don’t you know that after a while when My messenger come to an institute to study gravitation and cosmology, florentin smarandache who are already a distinguished professor in a university of new mexico exactly after florentin asked numerous time to My messenger in order My messenger write a recommendation letter to that university where florentin teach as only associate professor, and after receiving that recommendation letter that My messenger write, then florentin exploit that recommendation letter in order he can be rector in that university, and then florentin also order a number of professor in russia in order they put an experiment that they call cat experiment but this time the cat is a human, and that is My messenger. Don’t you know that nowaday some professor, who are assigned by florentin to administer that cat experiment and that is to scan brain frequency of My messenger in order they can read numerous neuron activity of My messenger, are upset and nervous exactly because nowadays they do not know where is the cat that they want to play with. And they often say that the cat escape, and the cat should be terminated. Such a language have become standard language of numerous theoretical physicist in the world, and that is why: in an article he write a few year ago My messenger already put an alternative framework and that is to replace cat paradox story with a coffeemaker story in order theoretical physicist will not put a cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel test on numerous animal and also human being.
And don’t you know that such a language to call a human as animal, including so many fable story that you often read or watch on television and that is cartoon network and disney, are actually very very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel, and that is the message: numerous university in the western world and also eastern world and also in russia and also eastern Europe often fall fall fall fall and fall into worship social darwinism, and that is why: a typical language that they use is to call a number of student as animal or cat, and by doing so they feel that they are entitled to put numerous experiment to their student and call them cat or other animal name or hobit. don’t you know that cruelty and prosperity and human knowledge and human power are exactly a characteristics of all descendant of the old serpent and don’t you know that is exactly what happen with all of you numerous philosophy doctoral theoretician including florentin smarandache, that is: all of you succumb to the serpent power, and that is why: all of you worship your knowledge power and you always want to know more and more and more and more and more and you always want to take advantage of all your student, and you call that as expensive experiment exactly because your university accept numerous foreign student especially from underground scientific circle just like My messenger.
Don’t you know that that is interpretation of wave mechanics and also wavefunction for more than eighty decade: you will argue numerous time on the meaning of collapsing wavefunction, and if someone waive their hand and offer an alternative explanation including your own student who study seriously, and then you will put him in another experiment until he suffer and he is almost die, and then you will shrug and say that your numerous experiment failed, and then you say that you cannot observe when exactly the time that your cat die because you do not observe them. Don’t you know that all of you numerous theoretical physicist are very very very very very cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel and you do not know that put human into an experiment without a written consent is prohibited and very very very very very illegal, and unless you do something to repair the damage you already make and numerous trouble and numerous junkie pseudo-science paper concerning collapsing wave function, all of you will be burned numerous time in eternity, where the worm will not disappear and where there is only the voice of your own teeth, because you do not know how low is the temperature. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 13:49-50.
And now another professor in theoretical physics also want to put another assignment to My messenger, and that is how to interpret wavefunction in wave mechanics properly. For you to know that there is a number of pseudo-interpretation of wavefunction in wave mechanics, and that is including the so called copenhagen interpretation and also a number proposition which then are mixed up into that interpretation, and that is including:[2]
- collapsing wavefunction,
- statistical interpretation of the squared wavefunction,
- rejecting reality of the existence of electron in a classical sense, exactly because they refuse to discuss the meaning of classical electron in a space.
- observer determine the result of measurement.
- wavefunction of measurement device should be included in a wavefunction of an electron to be measured (but nobody know how to figure out that problem exactly and in a meaningful way), an alternative proposition is to accept that the measurement device can be represented in classical way, and an object to be measured in quantum state.
Don’t you know that a number of book have been written and an ocean of ink have been poured on that subject of measurement problem in wave mechanics, and exactly that is a mysterious subject in wave mechanics because everybody refuse to accept that there should be consistent description of wave mechanics, which should be related and correspondingly interpreted in terms on classical electromagnetic wave. And don’t you know that if you discuss that proposition that there should be correspondence between classical electromagnetic wave and interpretation of wavefunction in wave mechanics, then you will be ousted quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly from the institution which you reside. And that is the reason: you should know that such a measurement problem, which is actually more than eight decade old problem and nobody want to figure out completely, hide the substantial message that all proponent of quantum mechanics do not accept reality at all, exactly because they overread experiment and they infuse too many positivism and philosophy into mechanical experiment, and that is why: all of those proponent of quantum mechanics who always boast themselves as founder of radical departure of classical world view, actually they only make the problem of electron description even more complicated because they reject reality and they worship hinduism, including niels bohr, heisenberg and max born, pascual Jordan, paul maurice dirac, and erwin schrodinger. And after some year thinking about this problem erwin schrodinger repented and then he refuse to accept the whole quantum mechanics in 1955, exactly after he reside in institute of advanced study in Dublin, Ireland. But don’t you know that he is not able to recover the reality because he always do numerous blasphemy with numerous student, and he call that as a good method to achieve transcendental comprehension. And don’t you know that all mathematician who always worship hinduism and all mathematician who worship transcendental number will be burned forever. And don’t you know that a number of contemporary string theoretician also worship hinduism in another way, and that is by introducing so many number theory including ramanujan number, and they call that as an advanced mathematics, actually ramanujan only a student in a high school who is gifted with numerous computational knowledge but he refuse to admit that all his knowledge is a gift by grace of God. And there is a number of similar example, where a quite simple problem were solved in a very very very very very tedious approach using multiple program including modularity and other superstitious method, for instance there are numerous proof of the so called fermat last theorem, and also terrence tao wrote a lengthy article saying that navier stokes equations are very very very very very difficult to solve. The meaning is that: all of them including the most advanced mathematician in the world often want to remove a small piece of wooden out of your eye, but they do not see a large wooden block inside their own eye.
And don’t you know that there is simple observation which you can verify in recorded written book, and that is: you can find in history that niels bohr wear a long-tail coat with a sign of kundalini harmony which you often see in numerous tao te ching book, and you can also find that sign in a korean national flag, and that is when it receive nobel prize for physics science. And you can find that description which is full of praise of those stupid scholar which cannot distinguish an electron and a measurement device, and that is in a book written by another stupid austrian contemporary physics and that is: fritjof capra. All those pseudo-scientist who systematically reject reality and they teach numerous scholar to worship them exactly because they are so clever in public debate, all of them will be burned forever. And don’t you know that kundalini is exactly a teaching of double serpent of wisdom, which you can find in numerous ancient text since the time of egypt. And that is why: after the period of exodus book, Judean and Samaritan people including a number of anglo-judean scholar including murray gell-mann remain a proponent of orthodox copenhagen interpretation of wave mechanics, and that is also an attitude of numerous physics scholar in the world including those who teach and worship themselves in numerous institute and college in the world including: cornell university at Ithaca, ucla at berkeley, institute of advanced study in princeton at new jersey, and also santa fe organization in new mexico, and also california technology institute in pasadena, and numerous other institute. some of you do not realize that rejecting reality is the mainstream attitude in numerous physics institute in the world, exactly because that is what a number of scholar in tavistock institute want you to accept as a new rule in physics science.
And you can find a simple observation in a biography of murray gell-mann that is written by johnson, and that biography contain a quote that murray gell-mann often say that as a physicist you shall find a balance between reality and abstraction, what he mean actually is that you should also put a substantial dose of pseudo-science into your theory, and then you present that in a convincing way and then you defend that idea whatever you like, and after some fierce argument with numerous scholar which you often oust them after they debate with you, then your theory will be accepted as a mainstream. And such a practice have been put into policy of science, normally in a big big big big big country, and that is why: they call that as big science program. The meaning of big science is that you should not argue at all concerning what is the meaning of decoherence, or collapsing wave function, or the meaning of quark or confinement problem compared with experiment outside numerous scattering experiment in lhc or other high energy laboratory, and don’t you know that the standard language of particle physics is always that they still wait for another new collider with higher and higher energy. Don’t you know that murray gell-mann also introduce a number of hinduism or budism language including eightfold way and also other cruel language and he call that as only humour. Don’t you know that you should fear of God only and that is beginning of knowledge. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of proverb chapter 1. Actually what God approve is only close packed spheron model of Linus Pauling, and the architecture of molecule have been described adequately in pnas journal around sixties, but most particle physics disregard that achievement because they only want to do whatever they like in their life.
And that is why: if you do not respect and fear of God only, and then you will lose all your pure knowledge, and effectively you will follow serpent of wisdom. And don’t you know that if you use a word that you often use improperly in science, and that is: theory, actually the meaning is that you should worship Theos. And all of you scientist who do not worship Theos only, actually you do not know anything about Logos (). Don’t you know that at the time of typing this article, a number of senior physicist admit that he also worship God only, but he do not realize how bad is the mistake he already make by introducing a fake story into his theory in fundamental science. And that is exactly the meaning: for numerous decade and even more for numerous century only very very very very very few physicist dare to admit that they do not know at all what they do, unless they love and worship God only. read again and again and again and again and again the book of Deuteronomy 5:7-9. Don’t you know that nobody know the answer, both in active galactic nuclei, or in planetary formation, or in electron structure, or in fundamental particle, or in cosmic science that you call cosmology, and that is not a good recipe if you only worship democritos, plato, socrates, anaximander or other hellenic pseudo-scholar. And that is why: if you do not worship and love God only, and you do not want to glorify your Father in Heaven, and then you will not recognize Logos () who already stand in front of you. Don’t you know that He is the Light from Heaven, and why do you always argue with Him? Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John chapter 1.
Some of you ask whether there is a proper way to interpret the meaning of Logos () in the book of Gospel of John 1:1. Don’t you know that all ancient Greece scholar always think that there is implicate Order who govern all thing in cosmos, but they do not accept that such implicate Order who they call Logos () are a persona, and that is why: they prefer to worship numerous statues and gods in numerous place including in Athena. And only sometime in around fourty year after the birth year of Me, Jesus Christ, the Light from Heaven, and Paul the apostle tell Athena people to worship God only again, and that is exactly after Paul tell those Athena people that all gods that they worship are only false statues, and that is why: they shall return to the Unknown God. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of the act of the apostle chapter 17:21-25.
And to all of you professor in theoretical physics who do not know the meaning of cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel experiment using your own student, and then you think if you do not observe an object then that object will experience collapsing wavefunction, then you should know that that human that you put into experiment already survive and at the time of typing this article he is not a collapsing wavefunction, and that is the answer for you: that all your standard interpretation that you called copenhagen interpretation collapse completely, including your proposition of collapsing wavefunction. And My messenger now send a greeting to a professor who just repent and recover his common sense back, and he also just realize that if you put a pen behind your back and you do not see that pen, that do not mean that that pen disappear and the corresponding wavefunction of that pen collapse.
And don’t you know that if you do not repent and return back your respect and love to God only, including you should refuse all proposition that is not corresponding to reality, exactly because that is a program called rejecting reality which already become a mainstream in a number of scientific journal in America, Europe, and numerous continent in the world, (and you should know that there are scientific journal that always reject all submitted paper only because the writer is Christian and the writer refuse to reject reality,) then all of the editor of those scientific journal including florentin smarandache will be burned severely severely severely severely severely in eternity.
And to a professor who give an assignment to My messenger in order they can trap again, and that assignment is to write an article on the interpretation of wavefunction and wave mechanics, the answer to you on realistic and consistent description of wavefunction in wave mechanics is actually already described properly by My messenger in a scientific paper which describe derivation of Maxwell equations in quaternion space in order to complete a program of quaternion space by a professor who is good enough to accept My messenger in the institute of gravitation of cosmology during summer season last year, alas that professor listen to badmouth made by florentin smarandache which already become a rector in university of new mexico, exactly after it exploit a recommendation letter given and signed by My messenger.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you, Me already help you. love, Jesus Christ
Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ
[1] Jesus Christ (2010) scientific work. Unpublished thesis written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, and the thesis is not submitted elsewhere before because there is no time anymore for doing anything except to glorify your Father’s name. the file is available online in
[2]Raymond d. Bradley(2000), how to lose your grip on reality: an attack on antirealism in quantum theory, url:
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