
Senin, 28 Desember 2009

What is wrong with prosperity theology project

by Jesus Christ

Some Christian people think that prosperity theology (a) is the true teaching according to the Bible. They often quote Matthew 7:7-8. They often think that if you are the children of your Father in Heaven, and then you can ask whatever you want. Some of them even dare to type large c in children word, that is a blasphemy. Blasphemy is that you put yourself higher than what is given to you by your Father in heaven, or that you ask for more blessing blessing blessing and blessing more than what is given to you by your Father in heaven. It is a blasphemy too to pretend that you know much better than your Father in heaven, what you need in your life. Don’t you know that your Father in heaven always take care of you, that is why if you worry about what you shall wear and what you shall eat, then it is a blasphemy. Please read Matthew 6:24-34.
Actually all of you are only saved by grace of God, and that is a lot of grace. Please read Rome 5:8. And now do you think it is appropriate to ask to be blessed more and more and more again, after God give you so many gifts in your life? Do you think your life is miserable? That is a blasphemy too.
Some prosperity theology preachers even dare to think and to plan to punish all other preachers. They think that all other preachers who do not follow and do not preach prosperity theology are not with your Father in heaven, because they are lacking faith. And that is the problem: the followers of prosperity theology preachers think that they are Christian. Actually the biggest mistake of all followers of prosperity theology preachers are they worship themselves, and then they make projective image as if God want them to be rich, prosperous, powerful, and healthy in their life. And if you do not do that, then you lack of faith. And they blame people who are poor as if that those people who are poor lack of faith, and therefore they argue that those people who are poor should be eliminated, that is what they call as eliminating poverty. That is a proof that prosperity theology preachers are very very cruel. Don’t you know that you should take care those people who are poor and needy around you? Read again Matthew 5:31-46.
The logic behind eliminating poverty is called malthusian program. The principle is that the number of people increase according to arithmetic sequence, but the resources available increase according to series sequence. Eventually they conclude that in order to eliminate the problem caused by the lack of available resources, the decision maker should make a difficult decision, that is to decrease the denominator in the wealth equation in order wealth increase. And they call it natural selection. Charles Darwin already knew about malthusian philosophy, and then darwin want to find rationalization of malthusian program. Some people who are rich worship darwin, and they call it social darwinism. Don’t you know that it is a blasphemy to worship darwin? Once again I say unto you: you must love God only, with all your mind, with all your heart, and with all your soul. Read again and again and again Matthew 22:37, Deuteronomy 6:5, 5:7.
My messenger is surprised that Me, Jesus Christ, dictate him to put in writing about darwin, even if he already read somewhere that there are a number of dark projects which are specifically designed and planned in order to eliminate poverty people. And he read that the dark projects include eliminating poor people in Africa, and they use biological measures called A.I.D.S.(b) My messenger also read somewhere that there was an extension of such elimination program from the Second World War period and some people include that program to become a United Nations’ department, that is the name of department which My messenger forget but he almost remember. Then after a while Me, Jesus Christ, allow him to remember the name of that department which is now disappeared, in order the readers of this article will not fall into guessing continuously the name of that department of the United Nations. That is a gift for you today to know the name of that department which include the eliminating program. The name is: eugenic. And now it become genome project. The purpose is to save only people who has been changed to become descendant of the old serpent (c). Read again and again and again Luke 3:7, Revelation 20:2.
You should know that the essence of such elimination program is to put natural selection in effect that only rich people, especially who are already turned to become descendant of the old serpent, can survive. That is very cruel, and you should know that eugenic project is against God’s Will for all human, social darwinism is against God’s Will too. Please read Matthew 22:37-40.
That is why My messenger become rather paranoidic to a number of modern medicine procedures, including vaccination, because he read somewhere that vaccination is another program to introduce toxic into new born human, and they give rationalization by saying that the toxic is necessary in order to help a new born human to develop immunity.(d) Actually statistics data reveal that the toxic is strong enough to put fatal effect into a new born human with a good percentage of probability. But such data is never allowed to be published in scientific journal. The elimination program focus on minimizing population in Africa and Asia. They borrow Descartes famous saying, and they modify to express their principle, that is: ‘I am proud, I am rich, therefore I exist.’ That saying is full of letter i, that is indication of arrogance and blasphemy.
You must know that such a saying is very very cruel and is a blasphemy. And you should know that prosperity theology project is part of the same elimination program. They want to put the toxic in the church of Jesus Christ. How can they do that? The answer is: indoctrination of all Christian people. They want to intoxicate all Christian people in order all of them worship mammon, so that all of them in Church do blasphemy over and over again. Read again and again and again Matthew 6:24. Their intention is to make all Christian people worry about their life, and then they will worship the old serpent, and all Christian people will fall, and all Christian people will be descendant of the old serpent. Read again Luke 3:7.
And prosperity theology preachers are very tricky, they will say that all Christian people who do not follow prosperity theology preachers are not Christian anymore. That is why prosperity theology preachers must be punished severely in eternity, because they intoxicate the Church of Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again Matthew 18:6.
You should know that prosperity theology preachers want you to fall too, they put in effect that all people who stand against prosperity theology preachers will be punished severely, and they will make argument that people who do not agree with prosperity theology preachers are not with your Father in heaven anymore, and those people do not like rich people. Actually God love all people, but you must love God only, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. Read again and again and again Matthew 22:37, Deuteronomy 6:5, 5:7.
You should not punish Christian people who do not follow prosperity theology preachers, instead throw away all prosperity theology books and also throw away all prosperity theology preachers quickly into the bottom of the sea today. Read again Matthew 18:6. And this is simple proof which you can verify quickly: type malthusian word in MS Office Word and the first letter will turn to be large m automatically. You can find the same effect if you type darwin word, and the first letter that is d will turn to be large d automatically. You will find that prosperity theology preachers will make argument that this effect is because you type a name in MS Office Word. Now prove that they are wrong, that is you can verify again and type matthew word and type luke word and type john word, and you do not get this effect of automatically changing of first letter for these name words. That is why verily verily I say unto you: throw away all prosperity theology preachers into the bottom of the sea quickly today.
This article is written by Me, Jesus Christ. Me allow you to read this article in order you can repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and do your repentance properly. Me allow My messenger, that is this writer, to type this article in order you can read, repent and do your repentance properly. That is the message: be hurry, be hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, all corners of the world. Tweet this message quickly and distribute this message to all your friends today.

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(a) prosperity theology. quote: "the promise that if an individual has sufficient faith in God and donates generously, God will reward that generosity by multiplying the offerings a hundredfold." source: ‘It promises far too little: the false gospel of prosperity theology,’ Christian Post, August 18, 2009, URL:
(b) A.I.D.S. as a part of depopulation (NSSM 200). source:
(c) descendant. descendant. de•scen•dent also de•scen•dant (d-s n d nt) adj. 1. Moving downward; descending. 2. Proceeding by descent from an ancestor. source:
(d) vaccination. Quote from George Starr White, M.D., of Los Angeles: "Take all the profit out of manufacturing and administration of serums and vaccines and they would soon be condemned, even by those who are now using them." source:

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