
Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

E-Books of Mathematics

E-Books of Mathematics

Smarandache Multi-Space Theory (partially post-doctoral research for the Chinese Academy of Sciences), by Linfan Mao
bullet Automorphism Groups of Maps, Surfaces and Smarandache Geometries (partially post-doctoral research for the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing), by Linfan Mao
bullet Scientific Elements - Applications to Mathematics, Physics, and Other Sciences (international book series): Vol. 1
bullet Smarandache Manifolds, by Howard Iseri
bullet Combinatorial Geometry with Applications to Field Theory, by L. Mao
bullet Smarandache Geometries & Map Theories with Applications (I), by. Linfan Mao
bullet Introductory Map Theory, by Yanpei Liu new
bullet Interval Neutrosophic Sets and Logic: Theory and Applications in Computing, by H. Wang, F. Smarandache, Y-Q. Zhang, R. Sunderraman
bullet A Unifying Field in Logics: Neutrosophic Logic. Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability (fourth edition)
bullet Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Logic, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability and Statistics
bullet Introduction to Neutrosophic Logic, by C. Ashbacher
bullet Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache
bullet Elementary Fuzzy Matrix Theory and Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists
bullet Special Fuzzy Matrices for Social Scientists, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral
bullet Super Fuzzy Matrices and Super Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Amal
bullet Vedic Mathematics - 'Vedic' or 'Mathematics': A Fuzzy & Neutrosophic Analysis, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache
bullet Analysis of Social Aspects of Migrant Labourers Living with HIV/AIDS Using Fuzzy Theory and Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache; translation of the Tamil interviews by M. Kandasamy
bullet Smarandache Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy
bullet Introduction to N-Adaptive Fuzzy Models to Analyze Public Opinion on AIDS, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache
bullet N-Algebraic Structures, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache
bullet Some Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures and Neutrosophic N-Algebraic Structures, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache
bullet New Classes of Neutrosophic Linear Algebras, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Florentin Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral
bullet Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Periyar's Views on Untouchability, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Kandasamy
bullet Fuzzy Relational Maps and Neutrosophic Relational Maps, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache
bullet Basic Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures and Their Application to Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Models, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache
bullet Fuzzy Interval Matrices and Neutrosophic Interval Matrices and their Applications, W. B. Vasantha, F. Smarandache
bullet Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Women with HIV/AIDS, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache
bullet Neutrosophic Rings, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache
bullet Neutrosophic Bilinear Algebras and Their Generalizations
bullet Randomness and Optimal Estimation in Data Sampling, by M. Khoshnevisan, S. Saxena, H. P. Singh, S. Singh, F. Smarandache
bullet Artificial Intelligence and Responsive Optimization, by. M. Khoshnevisan, S. Bhattacharya, F. Smarandache
bullet Auxiliary Information and a priori Values in Construction of Improved Estimators, by Rajesh Sigh, Pankaj Chauhan, Nirmala Sawas, F. Smarandache
bullet Studies in Statistical Inference, Sample Techniques and Demography
bullet Computational Modeling in Applied Problems: collected papers on econometrics, operations research, game theory and simulation
bullet Collected Papers (Vol. I, Vol. II, Vol. III)
bullet Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion (Collected Works), edited by F. Smarandache, J. Dezert [Vol. I, Vol. II, Vol. III (760 p., 21 MB)]
bullet Only Problems, not Solutions!
bullet Smarandache Sequences, Stereograms and Series, by C. Ashbacher
bullet Program of the First International Conference on Smarandache Type Notions in Number Theory, University of Craiova (1997)
bullet An Introduction to the Smarandache Function, by Charles Ashbacher
bullet Plucking from the Tree of Smarandache Functions and Sequences, by Charles Ashbacher
bullet A Set of New Smarandache Functions, Sequences, and Conjectures, by Felice Russo
bullet Geometric Theorems, Diophantine Equations, and Arithmetic Functions, by Jozsef Sandor
bullet Collection of Problems on Smarandache Notions, by Charles Ashbacher
bullet Surfing on the Ocean of Numbers, by Henry Ibstedt
bullet Computer Analysis of Number Sequences, by Henry Ibstedt
bullet Wandering in the world of smarandache numbers, by A. A. K. Majumdar new
bullet Generalized Partitions and New Ideas on Number Theory and Smarandache Sequences, by A. Murthy & C. Ashbacher
bullet On Some of the Smarandache's Problems (Vol. I by Krassimir T. Atanassov, Vol. II by Mladen Vassilev-Missana & K. Atanassov)
bullet Definitions, Solved and Unsolved Problems, Conjectures, and Theorems in Number Theory and Geometry, edited by M. L. Perez
bullet Sequences of Numbers Involved in Unsolved Problems
bullet Comments and Topics on Smarandache Notions and Problems, by Kenichiro Kashihara
bullet The Smarandache Function, by C. Dumitrescu & V. Seleacu
bullet Mainly Natural Numbers, by Henry Ibstedt
bullet Research on Smarandache Problems in Number Theory (collected papers) [Vol. I edited by Zhang Wenpeng; Vol. II edited by Zhang Wenpeng, Li Junzhuang, Liu Duansen]
bullet Proceedings of the International Conferences on Number Theory and Smarandache Notions held in CHINA, edited by Z. Wenpeng (Fifth Conference at Shangluo University in 2009; Sixth Conference at Tianshui Normal University in 2010)
bullet Applications of Smarandache Function, Prime and Coprime Functions [English] [Espanol], by Sebastian Martin Ruiz

Généralisations et Généralités [French]
bullet Problèmes Avec et Sans... Problèmes! [French]
bullet Proposed Problems of Mathematics, Vol. II
bullet Probleme Compilate şi Rezolvate de Geometrie şi Trigonometrie [Romanian]
bullet Metode de Calcul in Analiza Matematica [Romanian]
bullet Noi Funcţii în Teoria Numerelor [Romanian]
bullet Asupra Unor Noi Funcţii în Teoria Numerelor [Romanian]
bullet Algebra în exerciţii şi probleme pentru liceu. Mulţimi. Operaţii cu mulţimi. Relaţii şi funcţii. Elemente de combinatorică. [Romanian], I. Goian, R. Grigor, V. Marin, F. Smarandache

Алгебра в упражнениях и задачах для лицеев. Множества. Операции над

множествами. Отношения и функции. Элементы комбинаторики; Гоян И.,

Григор Р., Марин В., Смарандаке Ф. [Russian]

bullet Smarandache Algebraic Structures, book series by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy: (Vol. I: Groupoids; Vol. II: Semigroups; Vol. III: Semirings, Semifields, and Semivector Spaces; Vol. IV: Loops; Vol. V: Rings; Vol. VI: Near-rings; Vol. VII: Non-associative Rings; Vol. VIII: Bialgebraic Structures; Vol. IX: Fuzzy Algebra; Vol. X: Linear Algebra; Vol. XI: Special Definite Algebraic Structures)
bullet A Study of New Concepts in Smarandache Quasigroups and Loops, by Jaiyeola Temitope Gbolahan
bullet Introduction to Bimatrices, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K.Ilanthenral
bullet Applications of Bimatrices to some Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Models, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K.Ilanthenral
bullet Superbimatrices and Their Generalizations
bullet Introduction to Linear Bialgebra, by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral
bullet New Classes of Codes for Cryptologists and Computer Scientists
bullet Special Classes of Set Codes and Their Applications
bullet Super Special Codes Using Super Matrices new
bullet Rank Distance Bicodes and Their Generalization
bullet Methods in Industrial Biotechnology for Chemical Engineers
bullet Methods in Environmental Biotechnology for Environmentalists
bullet Groups as Graphs
bullet Interval Groupoids new
bullet Set Linear Algebra and Set Fuzzy Linear Algebra
bullet Special Set Linear Algebra and Special Set Fuzzy Linear Algebra
bullet Interval Linear Algebra new
bullet Super Linear Algebra
bullet n-Linear Algebra of Type I and Its Applications
bullet n-Linear Algebra of Type II
bullet Multispace & Multistructure. Neutrosophic Transdisciplinarity (100 Collected Papers of Science) [800 p., 9 MB] new

E-Books of Philosophy
bullet A Unifying Field in Logics: Neutrosophic Logic. Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability and Statistics (fourth edition)
bullet Сущность нейтрософии; Смарадаке Ф.(перевод Д. Рабунского)[Russian]
逻辑学的统一:中智逻辑 中智学,中智集合论,中智概率论 (Chinese) [1, 2]
中道辩证法与唯道主义自然哲学[Chinese Neutrosophy and Taoist Natural Philosophy](Chinese)
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Logic, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability and Statistics
Neutrosophic Dialogues, by F. Smarandache, F. Liu
Neutrality and Many-Valued Logics, by A. Schumann, F. Smarandache
Neutrosophy in Arabic Philosophy, by F. Smarandache, Salah Osman

E-Books of Physics
bullet Neutrosophic Physics: More Problems, More Solutions
bullet Hadron models and related New Energy issues (collective book) [476 p., 5.8 MB]
bullet Quantization in Astrophysics, Brownian Motion, and Supersymmetry (collective book) [516 p., 6.2 MB]
bullet Unfolding the Labyrinth: Open Problems in Physics, Mathematics, Astrophysics, and Other Areas of Science, by F. Smarandache, V. Christianto, Fu Yuhua, R. Khrapko, J. Hutchison
bullet Neutrosophic Methods in General Relativity, by D. Rabounski, F. Smarandache, L. Borissova

Нейтрософские методы в Общей Теории Относительности; Рабунский Д.,

Смарандаке Ф., Борисова Л.[Russian]

bullet Today's Take on Einstein's Relativity, Proceedings of Pima Community College Conference, edited by H. B. Tilton, F. Smarandache
bullet G-Dimensional Theory, by L. Stephen Young
bullet Begin the Adventure / How to Break the Light Barrier by A.D. 2070, by H. B. Tilton, F. Smarandache (third edition)
bullet Multi-Valued Logic, Neutrosophy, and Schrödinger Equation, by F. Smarandache, V. Christianto
bullet Neutrosophic Logic, Wave Mechanics, and Other Stories (Selected Works 2005-2008)

E-Books of Finance, Economics, Business, Social Sciences
bullet Cultural Advantage for Cities: An Alternative for Developing Countries
bullet Cultural Advantages in China. Tale of Six Cities
bullet Global Totalitarianism and the Working Animals
bullet Utility, Rationality and Beyond - From Finance to Informational Finance (Ph. D. Dissertation, Bond University), by S. Bhattacharya
bullet Reservation for Other Backward Classes in Indian Central Government Institutions Like IITs, IIMs and AIIMS – A Study of the Role of Media Fuzzy Super FRM Models

E-Books of Linguistics
bullet If anything can go wrong, pass it on to someone else (Florentin's Laws) new
bullet The dictator lifts the state of emergency with a crane (Florentin's Clichés) new
bullet Send me an e-male (Florentin's Homonyms) new
bullet Experimental paradoxist Linguistics (Florentin's Lexicon)

E-Journals of Science
bullet International Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics: 2007 (Vol. 1); 2008 (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3); 2009 (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4); 2010 (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3 new)
bullet Smarandache Notions Journal (Vol. 1, Vol. 2-3, Vol. 4-5, Vol. 6, Vol. 7, Vol. 8, Vol. 9, Vol. 10, Vol. 11, Vol. 12, Vol. 13, Vol. 14)
bullet Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics (Vol. 9, No. 2, 2003)

Scientia Magna: 2005 (Vol. 1, No. 1; Vol. 1, No.2); 2006 (Vol. 2, No. 1; Vol. 2, No. 2, Vol. 2, No. 3, Vol. 2, No. 4); 2007 (Vol. 3, No. 1; Vol. 3, No. 2; Vol. 3, No. 3; Vol. 3, No. 4); 2008 (Vol. 4, No. 1; Vol. 4, No. 2, Vol. 4, No. 3, Vol. 4, No. 4); 2009 (Vol. 5, No. 1, Vol. 5, No. 2, Vol. 5, No. 3; Vol. 5, No. 4); 2010 (Vol. 6, No. 1; Vol. 6, No. 2 new)

Progress in Physics journal: 2005 (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3); 2006 (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4); 2007 (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4); 2008 (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4); 2009 (Vol. 1, No. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4); 2010 (Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3, Vol. 4 new)

Minggu, 21 November 2010

Some implications of human genome research and its ethical discourse

by Jesus Christ

Despite a number of widespreading article [2][3] considering the completion and possible advantages of human genome project (HGP), there are only few article which focus on ethical concerns related to HGP, see article [1] for instance. These ethical concerns include germline intervention and also enhancement engineering.
“Germline interventions involve more significant ethical concerns, because risks will extend across generations, magnifying the impact of unforeseen consequences. While these greater risks call for added caution, most ethicists would not object to the use of germline interventions for the treatment of serious disease if we reach the point where such interventions could be performed safely and effectively.”[1]
“Enhancement engineering is widely regarded as both scientifically and ethically problematic. From a scientific standpoint, it is unlikely that we will soon be able to enhance normally functioning genes without risking grave side effects.”[1]
Furthermore, one should keep in mind that Genome Project was actually a sequence of eugenics research in the past (eugenics office was part of the United Nations shortly after the Second World War, and eugenics are still being practiced in the form of depopulation policy(ii)), and therefore it should be considered more cautiously with respect to ethics and moral conducts in practice. In practice, however, there is risk that enhancement engineering is translated to become genetic enrichment, but then there is question concerning who is responsible for both the effect of enrichment and whether the treatment will not leave under-developed countries in unwelcome condition. For instance, if numerous kids in developed countries receive genetic enrichment while people in underdeveloped countries do not receive that treatment because of economics consideration, then can it be considered as malthusian selection?
In general, malthusian selection(i) is a way created by human to introduce certain effects in order to create preferences of certain race with respect to its probability of survival. By introducing malthusian selection effect to a particular race then such a practice can be considered as violation of human right, since it would mean that certain genetic treatment and enhancement are available only for certain race for particular malthusian reasons.
Whether such a malthusian selection is true or not is yet to be confirmed by either NIH or genome project consortium, and it is apparent that genetic enhancement will not be considered available to many human being in the foreseeable future. It is much more making sense that genetic engineers who are doctors that are responsible for genetic enhancement only offer their special service for a particular number of patients who are economically possible to give them better position to get genetic enhancement and enrichment treatment.
Apart from malthusian aspects of such enhancement engineering,[1] there are other aspects of both genetic and genome related research which can be considered unethical, that is: who will be the subject of genome extensive research in the forthcoming years. It is known that for certain basic research, researchers often use mice or other animals, but for disease treatment and other drug related research, it is often required to conduct treatment test to human being. But as the effect of genetic treatment or enhancement will be spreading and extended towards other genetic related persons of the subject being treated medically, then whom will offer themselves to be the lab mice? History tells us that the victims of such drug testing abuse were often soldiers, prisoners, or people in under-developed countries. See for example the movie “Constant Gardener” (based on true story) in order you to know how such an abuse can be very large scale and country-wide, and sometimes it is backed by soldiers from developed countries. Such unethical practices and abuse in drug testing and also in using obsolete drug should be stopped and be avoided completely.

Concluding remarks
We have discussed a number of ethical considerations related to genome research and results of human genome project’s efforts. It becomes clearly apparent that there are ethical risks and also numerous questions which are open and yet to be defined by those reputable team, especially concerning the use of genetic enhancement and genetic enrichment of particular human being in comparison with other human being given differences in economics position in society.
If such questions are deemed to be valid then one should begin to explore further ethical and critical questions concerning suitability of particular treatment as a means of both malthusian selection or social darwinism agenda, which resemble in sort of eugenics in the past. These questions demand further thinking and ethical considerations beyond what are common to most common genetic engineers.

November 21st, 2010
VC, from

[1] M. Carroll & J. Ciaffa (2003), “The Human Genome Project: a scientific and ethical overview,”
[2] NIH (2010) dated November 7, 2010

(i) malthusian selection, on the other hand, is proposed as a force for selection at the level of populations in addition to natural selection. "...the malthusian paradigm pictures competition between organisms of the same species as an important force. Attention was shifted from the struggle between the lion and the lamb to that between the lamb and the lamb." source:
(ii) depopulation policy. See NSSM 200, that is depopulation policy as part social darwinism. Source:

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Grand Designer, GOD & Science

Dear Advisors, Authors & Readers of SGJ:

Scientific GOD Journal has just published its latest issue Volume 1 Issue 7
entitled "Grand Designer, GOD & Science, Before Big Bang" at We invite you to review the Table of
Contents here and then visit SGJ web site to review articles and items of

Thanks for the continuing interest in and suppor of SGJ,

Huping Hu
Scientific GOD Inc.

Scientific GOD Journal
Vol 1, No 7 (2010): Grand Designer, GOD & Science, Before Big Bang
Table of Contents

The Grand Designer: Can Hawking's Godless Theory of Everything Run without
Graham P. Smetham

Some Reflections on God and Science
Himangsu S. Pal

Timeless & Climax
Himangsu S. Pal

Book Review
Review of Stephen C. Meyer’s Book: Signature in the Cell: DNA and the
Evidence for Intelligent Design
Stephen P. Smith

Review of Stuart Kauffman’s Book: Reinventing the Sacred: A New View of
Science, Reason, and Religion
Stephen P. Smith

Review of Mike Gene’s Book: The Design Matrix: A Consilience of Clues
Stephen P. Smith

Review of John C. Landon’s Book: World History and the Eonic Effect:
Civilization, Darwinism, and Theories of Evolution
Stephen P. Smith

Review of Frank Ryan’s Book: Darwin's Blind Spot: Evolution beyond
Natural Selection
Stephen P. Smith

Horizon: Before the Big Bang
Philip E. Gibbs

What before Big Bang?
Matti Pitkanen

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

Scientific GOD Journal has just published new issue

Scientific GOD Journal: (download link di:

Scientific GOD Journal has just published Volume 1 Issue 6 entitled
"Mysteries of Creation, Evolution & the Void" at We invite you to review the Table of
Contents here and then visit SGJ web site to review articles and items of

Thanks for the continuing interest in and support of SGJ,

Very truly yours,

Huping Hu

SGJ Editor
Scientific GOD Inc.

Scientific GOD Journal
Vol 1, No 6 (2010): Mysteries of Creation, Evolution & the Void
Table of Contents

Another Look at Physics: It's a Dynamic Universe
Diosdado F. Fragata

Mystical Experiences
How This Place Works
Clifford White

The Templix of GNOS
Yale S. Landsberg

GOD, Scientists & the Void
Himangsu S. Paul

Book Review
Review of Suzan Mazur's Book: The Altenberg 16: An Exposé of the Evolution
Stephen P. Smith

Review of Jerry A. Fodor & Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini's Book: What Darwin
Got Wrong
Stephen P. Smith

Review of Amit Goswami's Book: Creative Evolution: A Physicist's Resolution
between Darwinism and Intelligent Design
Stephen P. Smith

Review of Michael J. Behe's Book: The Edge of Evolution: The Search for
the Limits of Darwinism
Stephen P. Smith

Review of S. Conway Morris' Book: Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a
Lonely Universe
Stephen P. Smith

Grand Design, Intelligent Designer, or Simply GOD: Stephen Hawking and His
Victor Christianto

Krauss Misunderstands Energy in General Relativity to Argue against GOD
Philip E. Gibbs

GOD & Hawking
Matti Pitkanen

Rabu, 08 September 2010

where is location of the true Menorah?

by Jesus Christ

While the location of the original Menorah apparently remains unknown, there is spiritual teaching that we can learn from the Bible concerning the Menorah and implications to our life. [1] Nonetheless, there is recent archaeological finding concerning this Menorah[3].

a. First the Menorah represents Jesus as the true Light of the world. See also the book of Gospel of John chapter 1.

b. The Menorah represents that we are God's menorah in the earth. All the branches come out from one tree, and that is the same we can be the light and the salt of the world provided we live in the true vine. See Matthew 5:14, and the book of Gospel of John 15:1. Quote: "Graphically, the menorah expresses our commitment to uphold the Divine Light, and the Wisdom of Torah, to the nations. Its form is that of a tree growing upward, with a trunk, and three branches shooing upwards out of the central trunk. The seven branches reflect the diversity of God's people, as a seven-branch complete continuum."[2]

c. The prophet Zechariah identifies them as "the eyes of the LORD, ranging over the whole earth" (Zech.4:10). [1][2]

So, now you know how pure your life should be, because you are the light of the world but you should not do that alone, because you are only one branches, and each branch should shine in tune with other branches, and they shall get oil from the One Source, and Jesus Christ is the only true Vine.

8 sept 2010
love, Jesus Christ

[1] Zechariah 4:1-10.
[2] W.F. Dankenbring, Mystery of Menorah,
[3] source:

follow Jesus Christ only at

Jumat, 03 September 2010

how ExxonMobil has adopted the tobacco industry's disinformation tactics

TruthSeeker says:
Yes I heard that:

Both Exxon and Koch are actively funding anti-global campaigns and websites.

--Between 1997 and 2008, Koch Industries donated a total of nearly $48 million to climate opposition groups

--A report from the Union of Concerned Scientists offers the most comprehensive documentation to date of how ExxonMobil has adopted the tobacco industry's disinformation tactics, as well as some of the same organizations and personnel, to cloud the scientific understanding of climate change and delay action on the issue. According to the report, ExxonMobil has funneled nearly $16 million between 1998 and 2005 to a network of 43 advocacy organizations that seek to confuse the public on global warming science.

Smoke, Mirrors & Hot Air: How ExxonMobil Uses Big Tobacco's Tactics to "Manufacture Uncertainty" on Climate Change details how the oil company, like the tobacco industry in previous decades, has

* raised doubts about even the most indisputable scientific evidence
* funded an array of front organizations to create the appearance of a broad platform for a tight-knit group of vocal climate change contrarians who misrepresent peer-reviewed scientific findings
* attempted to portray its opposition to action as a positive quest for "sound science" rather than business self-interest
* used its access to the Bush administration to block federal policies and shape government communications on global warming


Kamis, 02 September 2010

grand design, intelligent designer, or simply God: stephen hawking and his hoax

by Jesus Christ

There are a number of good reason to say that big bang support evolution theory's idea of creation by pure statistical chance alone. And that is why: some people do think that big bang can happen out of nothing. That standpoint of view, albeit not new, are reiterated by stephen hawking from cambridge, in his latest book: the grand design.[1][2]

Another middle-point of view, if you are believer of middle-viewpoint, is that there is a substantial amount of complexity which is irreducible in nature, sufficient enough to say that there must be the Grand Intelligent Designer, according to Behe and a host of other proponents of ID.[3][4] But still they do not want to admit that there should be God who are behind those flawless creations.
Now if you are really an astronomy person, you can free your mind of those emotional baggage from philosophical school or other teacher who do not prove anything in their life, and start to think afresh from data:

a. if big bang is true, then the universe stabilise and evolve to become more and more structured, but that is contradiction to the basic proposition of second law of thermodynamics, that entropy is created continuously along the time. Using this argument alone, which stephen hawking should be more adept because he is famous for his black hole entropy which has never been observed.

b. furthermore, typical of philosopher like stephen hawking (even if he said that philosophy is dead), he only wish to have his words heard, regardless without sufficient proof. For you to know, according to black hole proponents, there should be blackhole inside the galaxy center of our Milky way. But despite there is very large mass inside the Milky way center, its center remains bright, that is enough disproof for the entire career of stephen hawking.

c. if you are honest astronomer, there is growing consensus of the universal law which suggest not only irreducible complexity, but also scale-organization (note that this time we do not use, self-organization). By scale organization we mean that there is seemingly organization accross different scale, which can be characterized for instance by hausdorff dimension ~2, for instance accross different astrophysics observation.[6] There is also hint pointing toward ordering in nature, for instance quantization of planets both in solar system and beyond (exoplanets) seem to suggest that the Grand Designer, means clearly God, do create and recreate the universe.[7]

d. some other clever physicist like Erwin Schrodinger has suggested that there should be negative-entropy in order to resolve the problem of entropy in the big bang and time progress, but nobody seem to observe the negative entropy.

e. similar hausdorff measure can be found in quantum mechanics. Feynman already mentioned that quantum mechanics are characterized by dimension ~2. See the work of Ord, Nottale, and others for they are already completing their program concerning scale relativity theory.[7]

f. even if your calculation points to something, which this time we should verify if stephen hawking calculate his own proposition, saying that you can create something out of nothing is not only ridiculous but awkward, just the same way as you always think of black hole which do not exist.

g. Hawking apparently argue in his last book, that based on quantum theory then the universe has multiverse-history, but that is only if we accept the notion of sum-over-history and path-integral quantum mechanics. The meaning is that what he says is full of 'ifs', furthermore hawking's model is full of fine-tuning of parameters (We discuss how the laws of our particular universe are extraordinarily finely tuned so as to allow for our existence), just like what M-theory proponents are busy trying in order they can explain elementary particles. Do not be disguised by hawking often poking with philosophical questions, because this guy has not the same quality of Einstein to ponder things deeply even with simple thinking-experiment. The result of quantization model in astrophysics, suggest that the distance between the Sun and Earth, for instance is not result of anthropic principle, but can be derived from a wave-equation model.[7] Actually, anthropic principle is another circular logic type of thinking, kind of thinking which an old guy tend to use to fool a young student.

h. another remarkable coincidence is that the Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature, that is 2.73 degree Kelvin, are surprisingly resemble menger sponge dimension. In other words, the Cosmos may look like a big sponge just like what Zel'dovich outlined few years ago.[8]

i. of course, microbiologist or palaeonthologist or philantrophist like bill gates perhaps has their own way to say whether they prefer to be believers of God or not. And even if you are a philosophy student, then you may have risk to get your grade scaled down only because you admit that you do not swallow all evolution garbage.

Finally, to quote last comment by Paul Sheldon in [1]:
"I choose to believe in a God that is so kind as to permit me to understand without dismissing me with “Just because I said so”. Such a God does do something in the universe: he is what Jaim Ginnott called a good teacher/student. My faith says I and the entire research community are manifestations of God."

What can we conclude from enormous number of astronomic observation? Apparently, if one is humble enough, then one can say along with the Psalm 19:1 : “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handy work.” And that: “God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God.” (Psalm 53:2).

Sept. 3, 2010
love, Jesus Christ

[2] the grand design and some criticism,
[3] comment to Behe's Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution,
[4] other comment on Behe,,
[5] see this smitsonian picture of center of Milky Way. In other words, milky way center show a bar and bright center, and not a black hole. url:
[6] there is K measure suggest such large Hausdorff dimension ~2 to large scale structures, Martinis And Sosic, arXiv:astro-ph/0708.0173 (2007)
[7] few years ago we wrote a book consist of documentary of quantization of astrophysics, title: Quantization in astrophysics, brownian motion, and supersymmetry. Tamil Nadu, 2007, available in (this book has been downloaded more than 1000 times in the first 3 days). url:
[8] for further discussion of Menger sponge and the CMBR/COBE data, see M. El Naschie, Chaos, Soliton, and Fractals 41 (2009) 2635-2646.

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

what is world humanitarian forum

by Jesus Christ

For you to know: world humanitarian forum is part of club of rome activities.
quote: "Mr. Walter Fust, Director General of the World Humanitarian Forum;"

The main theme of club of rome is quite clear, that is they demand that:
"radical measures must be taken urgently to avert the risks of runaway climate change and ecosystems collapse."[2] What they mean with radical measures
include excessive and massive depopulatin policy including devastating a number of countries, which they think are beyond control, including but not limited to el salvador.

Quote: "According to an NSC spokesman, Kissinger initiated both groups after discussion with leaders of the Club of Rome during the 1974 population
conferences in Bucharest and Rome. The Club of Rome, controlled by Europe's black nobility, is the primary promotion agency for the genocidal reduction
of world population levels. The Ad Hoc Group was given "high priority" by the Carter administration, through the intervention of National Security Adviser
Zbigniew Brzezinski and Secretaries of State Cyrus Vance and Edmund Muskie. "[1]

Their main character is typical of destructionist, that is those people who think that they can develop and build after they destruct a number of countries.
quote: "the financial crisis and the consequent economic slowdown provide an exceptional opportunity to restructure economic and financial systems
so as to achieve new patterns of environmentally sound."[2]

See also a pseudo-lecture in [3], how population is seen as major problem, and therefore massive depopulation is their opt choice to solve. That is the
character of global depopulation policy promoted by the club of rome, world humanitarian forum, and global humanitarian forum. This project they call as
"a new international humanitarian order," as new term of NWO (new world order).

The characters of the message by those global pseudo-leaders who are almost all industrial leaders, are not so different from the message from nobel for peace summit in nov. 2009, [4] with exception that in the Nobel for peace laureates' message there is no specific mention of "depopulation policy" as solution of global problems.

love, Jesus Christ
29 august 2010

[1] world depopulation is top NSA agenda: club of rome
[3]club of rome: inching towards peace:
[4] quote: "Franz Josef Radermacher from the Club of Rome and Global Marshall Plan initiative, Ian Dunlop from the Club of Rome,"

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

Magnetic mega-star discovery challenges black hole theory

Westerlund 1, discovered in 1961 by a Swedish astronomer, is a favoured observation site in stellar physics. It is one of the biggest cluster of superstars in the Milky Way, comprising hundreds of very massive stars, some shining with a brilliance of almost a million Suns and some two thousand times the Sun's diameter.

The mainstream assumption is that stars of between 10 and 25 solar masses go on to form neutron stars. But those above 25 solar masses produce black holes -- the light-gobbling gravitational monsters that are formed when a massive, dying star collapses in on itself.

In that case, the magnetar's mother should have become a black hole because it was so big.


Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

why you should believe to Jesus Christ, even if you are not a Jews

by Jesus Christ

Some people think that Jesus Christ come into the world for Jews people only, and that is why they tend to think that Jesus would not save people if they are not born as Jews. That is why they think that there is no point to follow Jesus if they are not Jews; they often cite a text in the Bible, for example: the book of Gospel of Mark 7:27. Actually what counts in the Bible is faith to God in the name of Jesus Christ. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of John 3:16:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
There are numerous people which are not Jews but they participate in the work of salvation because of faith to God of Abraham and Israel. The following is a small example of those people:
a. Abraham is also a foreigner to the promised land for Israel, but he believe in God. The book of Genesis 15:6, and the book of epistle to Rome 4:3.
b. Ruth is a moabitess woman who turn her faith to God of Israel and then she gave birth Obed who then had son Jesse. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Ruth 2:2, and also Ruth 4:17, and also the book of Gospel of Matthew 1:5. Read also how Bo’az gave his blessing to Ruth because of her trust to God of Israel, in the book of Ruth 2:12.
c. There is a woman who receive salvation because she believe to Jesus Christ. Read the book of Gospel of John 4:7-29.
d. There are other people which received healing miracles by Jesus Christ, even if they are Samaritan. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Luke 17:11-19.

That is why: do not worry do not worry about anything, and even if you were not born in middle east part of this earth, or you were born in Europe or you were born in asia region, Jesus really really really love you, and that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ.
That is the message for you today.

mid august, 2010
Love, Jesus Christ

Note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ

follow Jesus Christ only at

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

Archaeologists find early depiction of a menorah

(AP) -- Israeli archaeologists have uncovered one of the earliest depictions of a menorah, the seven-branched candelabra that has come to symbolize Judaism, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Friday. The menorah was engraved in stone around 2,000 years ago and found in a synagogue recently discovered by the Sea of Galilee.

In this undated handout photo made available by the Israeli Antiquities Authority on Friday, Sept. 2009, showing an ancient stone engraved with a seven-branched candelabra, or menorah, seen at a synagogue in the northern Israeli town of Midgal, near Tiberias, after archeologists uncovered the carved stone. The menorah was engraved in stone around 2,000-years ago and found in a synagogue recently discovered by the Sea of Galilee and is thought to be one of the earliest depictions of a menorah. (AP Photo/IAA, HO)


Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

Does dan brown publish another mind-experiment book?

by Jesus Christ

Some people think that you can do a number of weird experiment using quantum mechanical argument, that is a thought can alter your environment. Similarly, there are a number of weird ideas explained in brown's new book The lost symbol,[5] according to NY Times: "when many people share the same thought, that thought can have physical effects."[1]
Such an effect of mind-experiment have been investigated in a number of psychology-quantum mechanics experiment, but actually that proposition is based on what you can call as 'copenhagen school', that is a perception that an action or mind-state of an observer can alter the course of an experiment. But nobody knows whether such an altered state can be observed also in a large (not in atom size) experiment. For instance, there were rumor among physicists of the so-called Pauli's effect, where he can wreck a laboratory only because he was standing nearby that laboratory; then this effect caused a number of experimental physicists consult with Pauli only behind the door of laboratory!

Such a mind-triggering effect which mimics with psycho-kinesis, can be viewed as extension of a philosophy by Schopenhauer, which can be considered as one characteristics of new age thinking. That proposition includes altering the course of one or two small things based on your mind-concentration. That is why some new age proponents teach that you can believe your own power to do that mind-altering experiment . And if you do yoga and other gymnastic acrobatic actions then you can focus your mind and then you can alter your environment. Such a proposition based on Schopenhauer can be seen as pseudo-scientific argument, even if you read them along with copenhagen-type argument. For example, see a number of acts in a dark-comedy movie that is Life is Beautiful, where the actor want to repeat experiment related to Schopenhauer's philosophy.
What seems a bit more interesting here, is that apparently the Lost Symbol book also want to mention a number of experiments in order to support the ideas espoused in that novel story book. That kind of experiments are discussed or called as The Intention experiment, see [2]. While such things may or may not be related to quantum mechanics, nobody can precisely explain how one can do those things from the viewpoint of wave mechanics theory, for example.
Other stories described in The Lost Symbol may include such superstitious things like that, and they may connect to a number of experiment, but those experiments (sometime they are called 'fringe' research) have not been accepted formally because nobody can provide a concise but clear description about how those things can happen in our experience.
Other superstition which often can be found in dan brown's novel is apparently he want you to believe in his arguments, that is concerning the secret teaching of sacred feminine. And he put a number of observed facts, which more often are blended with pseudo-scientific arguments. Celebrating sacred feminine gods then can be considered as an invitation to study more on those ancient gods in a number of ancient mythologies included isis-and-osiris, and which are quite obsolete and baseless. Returning to the old gods which sometime behave like human has been suggested by gnostic proponents, and that movement can be traced back to ancient Greece, Sumerian teaching etc. In other words, in gnosis you can reach salvation if you learn a number of secret teachings, which only few people realize.
Actually gnosticism had already been taught since the first century after the birth of Jesus Christ. And a number of books which call themselves 'gospel' are being referred often by those gnostic proponents, including in da vinci code, where dan brown cite a number of gospel including gospel of philips and gospel of mary. And you should know that gnosticism is not Christian teaching, nor it is a biblical teaching.
Don't you know that there is an ancient Jews scholar (named Philo) who teaches that there are two gods in ancient Greece, that is Sophia and Logos, and those will bring balance, because Sophia is the name of the sacred feminine part. And that is why you find that a character in dan brown's book da vinci code is called Sophie, and also a keyword in a cryptic tube has its name: sophie (for 'wisdom'). That is actually a major theme in a number of dan brown's novel books: "The major theme of Brown’s novel is the pressing need to recover the "sacred feminine" and a revitalized worship of a goddess or goddesses."[4]
To quote again [4], "Put succinctly, here are the major problems with The Da Vinci Code:
1. It attacks the Catholic Church and her beliefs about Jesus Christ, the Bible, and Church authority.
2. It promotes a radical feminist, neo-gnostic agenda.
3. It propagates a relativistic, indifferent attitude towards truth and religion.”

That is why, those people who teach you gnostic actually only boast their own pseudo-knowledge crafted without serious study, and that is why numerous criticism that dan brown's books are bland, are already written in [3]. Therefore, you ought not to believe on such human teaching, because those teaching only disguise the real teaching, that is that salvation comes only by gift of grace of God through Jesus Christ. And nobody will be saved because he/she know much more of the secret teaching.
Regardless of the possible connection between intention experiment ala Lynne McTaggart and the lost symbol, one can cite the following other acute problem in modern psychiatric medicine, that is the common use of pharmaceuticals to solve dopamine and other chemical imbalance. This time the name is real: "Dr. Jackson is utterly, refreshingly horrified by psychiatric medicine. In fact, she is horrified by most forms of pharmaceutical medicine, period. She spends her life lecturing and writing about the dangers of drugs and their ability to cause mental illness."[2] That common use of pharmaceuticals in clinical psychiatry creates so much drug dependence, and with result that only 1% of all psychiatry patients recovered (in usa, based on a report). But that problem is not an excuse for you to follow gnosticism.
Furthermore, another character of dan brown's novels is that they become thicker and thicker, apparently with specific purpose to disguise you more with boring statements and remarks which are pseudoscientific. Here is a comment from a reader:[3]
"There were some whole passages, even chapters, that served no purpose other than to inflate your book to an unnecessary size. I don't mind reading big books, but I do mind reading through unnecessary words."
And that is a character of pseudo-teacher, and actually character of false prophet, who often use lamb skin as covert to their real wolf skin. They often make thick human teaching, just like pharisees did centuries ago, only in order you worship them. And they do not want to touch the burden that they create. Read again and again and again and again and again the book of Gospel of Matthew 23:2-4.

That is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ. And then do your best to throw away all dan brown's books and all leigh & baigent's books because they only offer a number of gnostic non-sense. Also throw away all books discussing speculative teaching of marrying with mary magdalene and other false teaching about Me, Jesus's dynasty.

note: this article is written and dictated by Me, Jesus Christ, in order you to know that the End of Time is very very very very very near, and that is why: be hurry be hurry be very very very very very hurry to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, and then stop wasting time by learning gnostic teaching in numerous days or months. All of those gnostics teaching are hoax and worthless. love, Jesus Christ

9 aug 2010
Love, Jesus Christ

[1] url:
[2] mind over matter experiments can be found in
[3] url:
[4] url:
[5] url:

follow Jesus Christ only at

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

the emerging clan capitalism in the world

In the present article a number of critical economics situations are discussed based on clan capitalism as starting point. One can see clearly then, that instead of assuming 'ordinary economy’ and clan/crony capitalism is an exception in particular nation because of certain socio-historical context, one should begin with the opposite assumption instead: that can capitalism can be found almost everywhere in this planet.

Many economists think that economy of any particular nation is something more or less like building a house: in that sense if all people work to maximize their utility (cf. Adam Smith) then eventually the house will be built properly, especially if market mechanism is allowed to function properly without too much government intervention. But nowhere in this world, this simple perceived assumption works. Mostly, either excessive market liberalization advocated by laissez-faire and neoliberalism proponents gives worst result (crises) or government intervention is too heavy, and then there is no incentive for enterprises to innovate and create new products and services.
Based on a number of previous study, (cf. Yoshihara Kunio and Mancur Olson), then we submit another approach, that is: instead of assuming 'ordinary economy’ and clan/crony capitalism is an exception in particular nation because of certain socio-historical context, one should begin with the opposite assumption instead: that can capitalism can be found almost everywhere in this planet (not only in Russia, latin America, or Japan), and if in a few nations there are normal/ordinary economy where all group of functions work well, that is only an exception. West Europe apparently perform quite good compared to other regions in the world in this respect, but one should be aware because as globalization takes full effect in the coming years, then just like a virus can spread all over the world, similarly clan capitalism can be transported and transformed on board to other countries. Excessive financial liberalization and integration can introduce further vehicle which can be used by those clan groups to take advantages.

Kunio [12] have conducted studies on south east asia, while Mancur Olson based his study on Russia economy in 80-90s. But then we know that similar situation can be extended to either USA or Japan economy,[1][6] i.e. that clan capitalism or ersatz capitalism can be found in all national economies both in developing countries and developed countries alike. The old phrase that 'money is the root of all evil' can be extended to become 'the root of all evil is money, power and clan.' To put emphasis on this framework, we should say that there is no such thing as a perfect building or house, because each house imposes particular defect or imperfection, just like in Corbusier's imperfection architectural style in the past. The question then is to start with such defects as norm, and then work based on that situation.
We hope that this article can be considered as starting point for imperfect economy study (not only asymmetric information), based on starting hypothesis that there is no such thing as 'normal economy.' All economy is influenced by a number of clan groups and also numerous sub-groups which join to those clans’ back wagon, and those create an ersatz-infected economy.
Quoted from a recent article: "This echoes some other crony capitalism contexts - Russia comes to mind - but differs from others, such as many cases in Latin America, and is unusual in a country with as much recent political stability as America."[1] That is what is supposed to happen in US.

What does happen in russia?
There are a number of viewpoint arguments have been pointed out to explain problems in Russia economy, i.e. neoliberalism, neo-keynesian, and clan capitalism argument. Of course, the neoliberalism proponents would argue that liberalism advises have never been put into practice, as quoted from an article: "In short, the neo-liberals explain the collapse of the Russian economy in terms of the perverse incentives provided by the policies and practices of the Russian government: failure, corruption and criminality is rewarded, while legitimate business activity is penalized. The collapse of production and investment is the result of the absence of the ‘order and good government’ that is the necessary foundation of liberal capitalism."[2] And the neo-keynesian proponent will argue that excessive liberalization and privatization has been put into effect in the past decade without sufficient preparation and transition, which then make the situation even worse.
The third argument, that is clan or crony capitalism would say that clan groups already take advantage of the transition process and that is to include sabotaging numerous amount of fund from external sources for their own clan groups. And the end of the transition process is that the economy takes the form of strengthened and consolidated clan capitalism, where excessive power is obtained by a few number of clan groups only, while leaving the rest of the public remain in suffering condition. A short description is given as follows:
"Under crony capitalism selected economic elites receive preferential treatment and privileges, thus making support from the state rather than market forces a crucial factor for maintaining and accruing wealth."[3]
Then one need to define what is clan capitalism. A useful term is suggested by Kosals[4], that is clan capitalism, which possibility to become worsening further and become oligarch capitalism [4, p.8]. The purpose of clan is as described as follows:
"First of all, such clan isn’t a group of relatives but it is business entity with for profit activity...The general strategic purpose of the clan is to accumulate the resources and to expand its power and influence in the field of operation. Every clan intends to reach a stable position and to control external environment, to create favor external socioeconomic and political conditions. Many clans desire to become a monopoly to protect internal operation." [4, p.11]

According to Kosals, elements of the clan include [4]:
a. chieftain: that is charismatic leader which control all operations of the clan;
b. the core: key persons which are closest collaborators of the chieftain.
c. skilled professionals: that is specialists who are hired with high salary.
d. ordinary members: those are specialists and manual workers employed in business entities.
e. agents of influence: people outside it but serving it because of their unique positions in the media, law enforcement agencies etc.
Quoted from Kosals: "the most powerful clans are in industries dealing with extraction, processing and export of natural resources (oil, gas, metals); FSB; financing; military; law enforcement agencies; defense industries." [4, p.20] Other quote: "The biggest clans at every level headed by so called oligarchs. There are around one - two hundreds of oligarchs at every level, therefore, obviously, near one thousand oligarchs are operating in Russia totally" [4, 23]
The situation apparently do not happen only in Russia, but also in Latin America. Quoted from Kosals: "Cronyism is one of the specific features of clan capitalism. It was examined in detail within analysis of the specific model of capitalism developing in Latin America crony capitalism." [4, 27]
That is why, one need to take a look further on the impact of clan capitalism and its respective negative impact to overall economy of a given country. One should begin that clan capitalism which is inevitably infectious but already epidemic in numerous states, either in the form of shadow economy, crony capitalism, ersatz capitalism, clan capitalism, or even oligarch economy. One can even hypothesize that actually clan capitalism is more than exception as often assumed; it is market economy governed by small business entities which is an exception. There is no such thing as free market economy, as all economies are cronies-infected.
Clan capitalism is a chronic disease, but the fact is that all economies suffer from more or less the same chronic disease. See Appendix I for a response to a questionnaire.

Japan economy, boryokudan, and botaiho
While it has been neglected in standard economics textbooks, clandestine groups such as yakuza can affect up to 40% of Japan economy problems. Quote: "The emergence of Jusen companies, which had strong links with Japanese mafia, otherwise known as Yakuza, proved to be one of the major hurdles in the Japanese banking reforms. The Jusen problem exposed the nexus between banks, Ministry of Finance and yakuza. ...Later, it was also revealed that some officials in the Ministry of Finance had strong links with yakuza." [5, p.3]
While one can think otherwise that such a yakuza(boryokudan)-related issues are diminishing, it has been concluded that: "The yakuza plays an important role in the Japanese financial system even today, thanks to the involvement of banks in the real-estate sector during the bubble period. These problems continued to haunt the Japanese banking sector and some believe that it was more of a socio-cultural problem than purely an economic one..." [5, p.5]
Unlike in Russia Federation, where clans are mostly organized around their chieftains, yakuza organizations are apparently more stable, with three big syndicates, i.e. yamaguchi-gumi, inagawa-kai, and sumiyoshi-kai [6, p.1]. Quite related to the problems emerge which are caused by such clandestine organizations including yakuza, there are concerns raised recently pertaining to possibility of Japan economy to experience similar crisis compared to what happen in Greece in the beginning and the first quarter of 2010. However, there is significant difference here, that is that Greece economy problem is not yakuza or clan related, while one great obstacle to reform Japan industrial sectors and also financial sectors alike were their relationship with yakuza and other clandestine groups, which have been tolerated since Showa era.[6]
Then with regards to question whether one should do or not do economics reformation, one can also refer to another recent suggestion by Posen (2009) that "but if you take a broader historical perspective, that essentially hesitation to finally fix the banks is what kept Japan from doing the right thing, in a sense, throughout the 1990s."

Lesson to learn: how to take proper measure on clan capitalism
And with regards to spectrum of choices available to policy makers, one first shall bear in mind that the clan capitalism are already there for quite some time, and that includes possibly a number of politician, and senate member, and other party alike, including a number of high-profile elites known as ‘oligarch’, which mean that it would take more than one sweep to clean up all the mess. Therefore, apparently there are only a limited number of possible approaches in order to take proper measure on those clan capitalists, such as:

a. anti-clan regulation: in Japan there was passage of anti-yakuza regulation which restrict their actions (botaiho), while at the same time give time for them to 'evolve' to put their feet on other kind of transactions.[6] In other countries too, such an anti-clan regulation can be put into effect, not only anti-drugdealing or anti-humantrafficking. In the case of Japan, the situation after passage of botaiho indicate decreasing attractiveness of joining clan group: "young males are ceasing to find gang membership an attractive career choice." [6,p.11]

b. very strict measures: just as what China do to all alleged problematic politicians or governors. But if too many clan-related politicians are involved in law enforcement agencies, and then perhaps this method may not be practically viable. See Figure 1 for illustration.

c. clean up the government offices first: this can be effective if one can estimate how many number of politician in government body and also in regional offices which are involved or participate in the predominating clans, then removing all of those clan-related officers can be a good choice. However, such a policy may not be viable in other countries, perhaps Russia, where state-clan relationship are quite neat and where it is not so easy to imagine that government officers can function without those chieftains entity. Military involvement in a number of clan-groups can make matters more difficult.

d. breaking the chains: one possible countermeasure of the clan's improper involvement in policy making is to identify the clandestine people which are not exactly part of the clans, but they play the role of intermediaries among clandestine groups and government officials. For instance, if one think that there are a few huge clans which can affect US national economy and those are oil-industrial-military complex clans, then perhaps one should track down to D. Rockefeller and zbigniew brzezinski if one wish to break their chains. For other example of oil-military industry clan group, see Carlyle group as discussed in Goodman & Goodman[11]. One can think that it is not unlikely that those clan groups can affect also news media and academic institutions (see diagram 2).

e. network analysis: one of recent tool to analyze gang's network is using network analysis. This method has been advanced by a number of theoretician, but in principle the same method can be used to find out how a clan is related to media, government officer, scientist, economist, public media, and perhaps policy influencer. Stop to think that economists including neoliberalist proponents are only doing their job as scientist. Of course, some economists are doing their job well for the wellness of a nation, but others are only profit maximizer, hence one good solution is to minimize their role as good policy-maker as a counter-measure to the clan groups’ influence to their advantage.

f. autopoeisis[8] and virus analogy: Autopoiesis can be defined broadly as ability and mechanism of bacteria and other life cell to retain its life: “The main feature of autopoiesis is the self-maintenance due to a process of self-generation from within. Although this concept came from the analysis of a living cell, it can be metaphorically applied to social systems.”[8, p.9] One can think that bacteria rely on and make interaction with their environment in order to get what they need and to give supporting conditioning. Similarly, a mafia or clan groups take much from their environment and people surrounding them in order they can continue their excessive spending. For example, it has been estimated that Japan economy suffer from yakuza clan groups because some 40% of transaction or project involve them. If then we assume a moderate estimate of 3% to 5% of 'security protection' then the amount siphoned for their clans amount to 40% x 3% = 1.2%. Similarly, in Russia economy, especially in metallurgy and oil producing and other natural resources industries, there are significant role played by clans and oligarchs, which at a time can influence russia economy and private business up to 70-80% around 90s.[10] Some of them ask that fee with label such as security protection, but you know that sometimes such extra security fee takes place because there are competition among clans themselves (that is, a client should hire a clan for protection against violence threat exercised by another clan). Therefore, in order to suppress and reduce actions of those clan groups, one need to understand better how the autopoiesis mechanism are used by bacteria to survive and grow in their environment, and then how to minimize their activities. One possible approach is to introduce obstacle in order those bacteria and virus will not escalate and move beyond their present environment. And after that, reduce and minimize their effect within that obstacle/barrier.
Other problem is that a number of those clan groups are already moving abroad, that is they become so large group and then they decide to go global. Such a globalization of clan groups can be thought of as parallel with virus which becomes epidemic.[8] There is no such easy measure to counter this tendency, for instance considering the increasing transactions related to human trafficking, drug dealing etc., which sometimes those large clan groups got support from other clandestine groups, that is secret agencies. Some of those secret agencies may need large support to continue their programs abroad, and they think that drug dealing etc. can be their vehicle for finding those support.[11]

g. counter-incentive measures: another difficult part for breaking the chains among the state and clan groups is to provide a proper scheme for young people in order they can stay away from clan groups. For instance, during a conversation with a Russia young man sometime ago, this writer were told that it is often a compulsory for an average high-school graduate young boy whose parents are not rich to be military officer, at least to serve there for a number of years, while other high-school graduate young boy who has rich parents is not required to be military officer. Then after a while, that average young boy would find himself to get lack of option to get normal wealthy. Perhaps this reasoning can explain why for some young boys/girls the only choice is to support or join a clan group in one or other way (for example, to become drug dealer), especially if he/she got lack training in other skills. That is why: being a part of clan groups (be it yakuza, or drug dealer, or other clandestine groups in asia) is an 'incentive' for those average young people because that path offers a short-cut to become wealthy in short time. One can perhaps reason that a proper counter-incentive scheme to reduce such a tendency to join clan group, is by offering support, perhaps by some kind of business start-up support to at least 10-20% of the brightest of those average young high-school graduates in order they can begin their own start-ups. Therefore, giving good incentives to new start-ups by young people is not only good practice for economics reason (creating new entrepreneurs), but perhaps it is also a good counter-measure toward joining clan groups which can devastate a nation's economy in the long-run.
Along with an effective anti-clan regulation such as botaiho in Japan, then implementing such a counter-incentive can be an effective approach.

Is there advantage for excessive liberalization?
One should realize that going to excessive liberalization (region 6) is unlikely to bring a healthier economy, especially when there are influential clan and oligarch groups, because they are likely to form better situation for their own advantage, and that is why there is strong tendency to prevent other private enterprises to grow and to be mature. At the end the result will be more or less like oligopoly situation in almost all industries, which real effect is likely to turn the entire economy to be less competitive, and domestic effect can be as far as scarcity of products and bad distribution because those clan and oligarch groups enjoy monopoly or oligopoly systems where there is lack of competitors.
Furthermore, from history one can learn a good principle, that is: excessive liberalization is often a precursor of financial crises. The example can be given here, that is knickbocker trust collapse in 1907 was a signal of a crises. And you should know that in that period, there are numerous trust which work as investment units but they are not banks, and there were lack of regulation for them. Similarly there are investment units which lack of regulation in 2007-2008 which then lead to financial turmoil. Another problem in excessive liberalization is that there will be numerous noise traders which often create noises (fluctuation in prices) for their own advantages. We discuss this issue in the following lines.
Krugman have published a recent book on depression economics, the title of his recent
book is: the return of depression economics[13]. A good chapter is devoted to history of America recession since 1907, exactly when knickerbocker trust collapse completely after failure to support numerous stock market trader, and they do not support anymore because of rush in their office that indicate that people lose their confidence in their scheme of investment (see page 156). And then you can compare that story of collapsing knickerbocker pseudobanking organization with Krugman’s explanation of logic behind America recession in 2008, exactly because a number of investment company do similar risky investment including in secondary mortgage, stock market and also foreign exchange market (page 190), and they are not properly regulated just like knickerbocker trust in 1907, and that is indicating one hundred year cycle of crisis (1907-2007). And you should know that there are numerous pseudo-banking company in America who accept investment from their client (--exactly similar to what they call as ‘trust’ around one hundred year ago, see again page 156 of that book--), but they do not provide security nor they provide insurance if something happen to their client’s investment, and don’t you know that America always are reluctant to regulate those pseudo-banking system.
That is a good article to ponder if you are really really really really really a good economist without a cruel cruel cruel cruel cruel heart, that is because you will find that volatility is often caused by foreign exchange trader, which you can call as ‘noise trader.’ Don’t you know that noise trader is everywhere, but there is no regulation at all especially to foreign exchange trader, as explained by Krugman in page 190:

‘there were some calls for long-term restrictions on international capital flows, not just temporary controls in times of crisis. For the most part of these calls were rejected in favor of a strategy of building up large foreign exchange reserve that were supposed to stave off future crises. Now it seems that this strategy didn’t work.’ [13] p.190

And that is why: you should not believe to noise trader, and you should not lend your
money to them too, because there is high likelihood that your investment money to them will disappear with probability chance more than 75%, just as what happen with ltcm.
Don’t you know that noise trader is well defined by J.a. Frankel,[14] and noise traders can and are willing to create needless volatility and thereby force more risk-averse investors to stay away from marketplace. And that is the meaning of noise trader: they often create a number of gossip story in order a number of investment company collapse and then there will be huge market volatility.

Concluding remarks
One perhaps would think that a good idea to comprehend real situation behind economy of a given nation is to study the relation and interaction among the actors of such a clan capitalism. That is, to begin with network analysis instead of doing cumbersome mathematical analysis which mostly are based on unrealistic assumptions such as information symmetry, efficient market hypothesis, or the social utility of market exchange, or value of liberalization and privatization process.
Based on Amartya Sen’s hypothesis, then one can hypothesize that (i) there is always tendency for clan groups to influence democracy system including news/media as the fourth pillar of democracy, in order to alter the course of distribution of resources for their advantage.
Apparently, more study on the extent and role of such clan capitalism in a nation's economy and also their role in globalized economy can be expected in the coming years.

28 july 2010

[1] j. maggs (2009), “crony capitalism in america?” url:
[2] S. Clarke, “globalization and the development of capitalism in russia,” p.6, url:
[3] g. sharafutdinova (2007), “crony capitalism and democracy: paradoxes of electoral competition in Russia regions,” working papers #335, p.6,
[4] l. kosals (2006), “interim outcome of the Russian transition: clan capitalism,” KIER, discussion paper no.610, url:
[5] ICFAI business school, “banking crisis in Japan,” p.4, url:
[6] P. Hill (2003), "heisei yakuza: burst bubble and botaiho," SSJJ vol 6 no.1. url :
[7] L. LaRouche (2009), Executive Intelligence Report, April 2009, vol 36 no.15, url:
[8] P.L. Luisi (2003) “autopoiesis, a review and a reappraisal,” Naturwissenchaften 90, 49-59,,areviewandareappraisal.pdf. For autopoiesis analogy to economics situation, see for example bob Jessop.
[9] contrary to popular belief, andrei shleifer can be considered as close associate of russian clan (chubais). quote: "In a narrow sense Harvard mafia is the team of experts who disastrously advised the Russian government on capitalism in the 1990s. Engaged by the U.S. to show the Russians how the West controls corruption, the advisers became models of what to avoid...January 2006 article claims to show that "economics professor andrei shleifer, in the mid-1990s, led a Harvard advisory program in Russia that collapsed in disgrace." The article drew considerable criticism among shleifer's colleagues, collaborators, close friends, and students." source:
[10] M.I. Goldman (1996), "Why is the mafia so dominant in russia?" challenge vol. 39, quote: " Izvestiia on January 26, 1994, reported that the russian mafia now controls 70 to 80 percent of all private business and banking." source:;jsessionid=MRFB1GBB72KzLBNGptqvTsGcTwmC7sw5L4dYTYND6cGJTTn28fTG!1798068544!162038653?docId=5000319091
[11] A. Goodman & D. Goodman (2004), The exception to the rulers: exposing oily politicians, war profiteers and the media that love them. Hyperion Books. See in particular chapter 1 and 2. url:
[12] Y. Kunio (1988), The rise of ersatz capitalism. For an example of the role of clandestine group in business operation, see a quote from his earlier article on this issue: “Yap Ah Loy's mines in Kuala Lumpur employed several thousand people. His business may qualify as the first Chinese capitalistic institution in the region, but the reason he was able to organize such a large scale operation is that he was the head of a secret society who resorted to violence for the protection and expansion of his business,” Y. Kunio, “The rise of ersatz capitalism,” source url:
[13] P. Krugman (2009) the return of depression economics, w.w. norton and company, inc., new York. See p.156

[14] j.a. Frankel ( ), ‘International capital mobility and exchange rate volatility,’ URL:
[15] N.L. Khrushcheva (2006), “money and wealth in russia: politics and perception.” international affairs working paper 2006.(p.58) source: url:
[16] V. Burgmann (2002), the cancer stage of capitalism and the politics of resistance. url:

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Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

healthiest food on earth

The healthiest food on earth do not include red meat, which are often included in your burger staple.

1. Berries
All berries are low in sugar and high in fiber. Blueberries have been shown to increase memory in lab studies, and raspberries and strawberries are loaded with ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant that seems to have some anti-cancer properties, according to the American Cancer Society.

2. Beans
Beans are extremely high in fiber, which helps to control weight, prevent or manage diabetes and blood sugar, and may help prevent colon cancer and protect against heart disease. The National Institute of Medicine recommends 25-38 grams of fiber a day. The average American gets only 4-11 grams. One cup of beans provides 11-17 grams.

3. Nuts
Some of the largest and most important long-term studies of diet and health have shown that eating nuts several times a week is consistent with a risk of heart attack and heart disease that is 30%-50% lower than the general population. Just one ounce of nuts-almonds, macadamia, Brazil , walnuts, pecans-eaten three to five times a week seems to be the magic number.

4. Wild Salmon
Fish is the ultimate anti-aging food. Cold-water fatty fish like wild salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring contain omega-3 fats that protect the brain and the heart, improve mood, and lower blood pressure and triglycerides.

5. Raw Milk
Raw, organic milk nearly always comes from grass-fed cows and contains high levels of cancer-fighting CLA (conjugated linolenic acid) as well as a rich assortment of vitamins, minerals and beneficial bacteria (like Lactobacillus acidophilus)

6. Grass-Fed
Meat Meat from grass-fed cows has a much different fat profile than ordinary supermarket meat: high in omega-3s, lower in potentially harmful omega-6s and loaded with CLA, a kind of fat known for its anti-cancer activity. A superb source of protein and vitamin B12, it's also missing the antibiotics, steroids and hormones found in the meat that comes from feedlot farms.

7. Eggs
Considered by many to be nature's most perfect food, the egg is high in protein and relatively low in calories. The yolk contains choline, one of the most important nutrients for the brain, as well as lutein and xeazanthin, two critical nutrients for eye health. Brassica Vegetables Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and kale all contain plant compounds called indoles that help reduce the risk of cancer. In addition to a stunning range of vitamins and minerals, they also contain sulforaphane, an important plant chemical that helps the body detoxify health-damaging chemicals.

8. Apples
Not only do they keep the doctor away, they also appear to do the same for lung cancer, diabetes and asthma. An apple contains five grams of fiber and a rich blend of nutrients including the bone-building vitamin K and the anti-inflammatory nutrient quercetin. And there's no better way to control your appetite than an apple eaten about half an hour before a big meal.

9. Onions and Garlic
In an impressive number of published studies, the consumption of onions and garlic has demonstrated protective effects against stomach, prostate and esophageal cancer. Along with broccoli, tea and apples, onions and garlic are among a select group of foods found to reduce mortality from heart disease by 20%.


why does bill gates support depopulation agenda through vaccination? Is that a malthusian agenda?

by Jesus Christ

An email someday in the middle of 2008 bear a post-scriptum as follows: “P.S. Any cause is a lost cause without a reduction in population.” What did he possibly mean with that phrase? At first sight that phrase seem quite logical, but if you ponder a bit further then you may know that the writer feel compelled to think that a reduction in population is a solution to a number of problems including perhaps economics, environment and perhaps global warming.
While that sounds a bit too much to assert that environment problems and global warming can be attributed to human population, a number of reputable scientist and not less than bill gates seem to think the same,[8] that is that reducing population can be a good solution of the problem of CO2 emission. His argument is that CO2 emitted by human being is the primary culprit of unwanted heating of the globe, therefore his argument is continued with reasoning that for reducing such an unwanted heating, then human CO2 emissions should be drastically reduced, and for doing so: then human population should be reduced systematically. His formula, as he explained in February 2010 in a public speech, can be simplified as follows:

CO2 = P x S x E x C

Where CO2, P, S, E, C each represent projected totally humanly-emitted carbondioxide, population number, average number of services per person, and the average amount of energy units per service, and the average CO2 emitted load per unit of service per year, respectively.
There are a number of video clips which you can easily found in youtube or elsewhere, which summarize his presentation. For example, see the following urls:
And what about his method? Now that seem not too surprising, given that he has been quite active to support vaccination via his charitable foundation. Of course, that would not mean that he want to do reduce present population with vaccination, what he aims to do is to reduce the growth rate of world population.

Nonetheless, one should remember that this bill gates’ speech apparently is an echo of a number of other similar announcement by a number of group of scientist and other high-profile elites called bilderberg group. [1][2] Some of them do not need to emphasize the human carbondioxide emission problem which is arguable, but they would emphasize the earth’s carrying capacity, a new terminology which was promoted for the first time by the club of rome. The club of rome itself is another elite and clandestine group, just like bilderberg group, which support a study in 1970s which is quite well-known by the title: Limits to growth.[3] The study is based on finite earth hypothesis, and its primary argument is more or less as follows: as energy and other resources continue to be more scarce in 21th century, then at a point there would be real problem imposed by human population, which need to be addressed drastically. Limits to growth give a hundred year projection based on their model called World3, then they conclude that such a simulation give projection that unless the world take drastic measure, then before one hundred year from 1970s, human beings will find great problems.[4] Since then there are increasing movement towards addressing human population in drastic measure.
For some of you who think in the same line of thinking, and think that such a drastic measure is indeed required, you should know that such a line of thinking is called malthusian programme, which is a term for people who think in line with malthus, that human population will increase exceeding the natural resources available, and that would impose a crisis. The problem is that malthus and his proponents including bertrand russell, huxley[5] and others suggest that one can think that such a radical measure to avoid that crisis is to make a number of population reducing measure which are human-made, and that is to reduce human population systematically.

And for those of you who do not think that Limits to growth and club of rome work based on malthusian selection, you should know that in 1974, that is more or less about the time of release of the Limits to Growth report, there is a hidden guide to foreign affairs ministry of usa, which guide is known as NSSM 200 or Kissinger’s report.[6] The guide was given classified status until 2000. And if you read through the guide, then you may know that such an argument is in tune with the hidden message of limits to growth. A reasonable guess is that such a similarity is not merely a coincidence. And perhaps more surprise, the title ‘limits to growth’ is also in tune with Robert Anderson’s ideology which he promoted using aspen institute. [7]
Some of you would argue then that supporting depopulation program is not the same with terminating present population, because the measure actually is vaccination or other measures intended to reduce population growth rate. But for you to know that among those elite groups, there are plan to take both drastic measures, i.e. reduce growth rate of population to zero growth (negative checks), and also to reduce present population drastically (positive checks). But of course they will not tell you the second plan. Only a number of scientist dare to admit that their assumption is based on argument that human beings are not more than bacteria, therefore if some people say that human carbondioxide emission is causing heating of earth, then following such a cruel argument will somehow make terminating a large amount of people sounds like terminating bacteria. That is why a number scientist is reported to tell a number of audience sometime ago that reducing 90% of population is possible with ebola. Now you see, that bill gates is not far away from other proponents of malthusian selection.[8]

And that is exactly what the club of rome is all about, they want you to believe that to avoid crises in the future (quite long term, that is one hundred year), then you should agree with them that so many man-built crises should be put into effect in order to reduce human population. Such a view is supported by a number of elite groups such as bilderberg, club of rome, committee of 300, and perhaps numerous other pseudo-environmentalist movement who actually only want to follow malthusian or neo-malthusian programs.[9] For those of you who want to know more what is malthusian argument, see for example [12].
Some nationalistic people hold the view that depopulation quite makes sense for the sake of national security, but you should know that it is only another hoax crafted by the same elite groups who actually only want to make profitable trading for war in the name of national security.[11] And you should know that those people do not care if the victims of their depopulation program is their own citizens.
A number of scientists including Christian scientists in developing countries seem to agree with such a proposition brought by club of rome. That is why rarely you hear that there should be alternative arguments, that is how to solve energy and other resources depletion without having to terminate so many people. And you do not have to cook up a crackpot argument such as human carbondioxide emissions, which seem a bit too fantastic.

While solving natural resources depletion remain an open problem, one perhaps can recall that no matter what happen, reducing 90% human population in the name of human-beings survival in this planet is not a legitimate policy. And that is the essence of message of Pope John Paul II not so long time ago:
"The common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights - for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture - is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination."[10]
Some of you who manage to have a healthy sense should do quick actions to expose or to stop those hoax talk and conference speech by pseudo-environmentalist agents who actually only want you to agree with them that such a drastic population reduction up to 90% of world population is good for all human-beings in this earth, because that view is ridiculously cruel. While family planning may be understandable for over-populated nations, planning to reduce population drastically especially population of foreign countries (or ‘positive checks’ in malthusian terminology), should be stopped.
Some of you will find that those elite groups are too powerful, and they plan to make real effects of their malthusian plan right now in 2010, that is why you need to repent and receive Me, Jesus Christ, quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly today. And then do your best to speak about Me, Jesus Christ, to all your family and friends.

Love, Jesus Christ
30 july 2010

[1] bilderberg depopulation policy, see url:
[2] vaccine and depopulation agenda. see url:
[3] quote: “In 1968, Aurelio Peccei, a former executive of Fiat (Fiat President Gianni Agnelli was a charter member of the 1001 Club), founded the Club of Rome, another by-invitation-only organization, to peddle a new, computer-age brand of Malthusianism. In 1970, with a grant from the Volkswagen Foundation, Peccei hired Massachusetts Institute of Technology computer whiz-kid Jay Forrester, and a team of his students, to prepare a report on the world population crisis, which was published several years later under the title Limits to Growth. Using a fraudulent concept of “carrying capacity” that completely ruled out human scientific discovery, Forrester and his students, Dennis and Donella Meadows, claimed that a combination of overpopulation and resource depletion would wreck the planet.” Source: url:
[4] quote: “Our conclusions are : 1. If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years. The most probable result will be a rather sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity.” Source url:
[5] quote: “launching of the WWF, Huxley openly boasted that the ecology movement would be the principal weapon… to impose a malthusian world order…, and, most importantly, the United States.” Source url:
[6] url:,
[7] quote: “Robert O. Anderson’s major vehicle to spread the new “limits to growth” ideology among American and European establishment circles, was his Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies…Robert O. Anderson also contributed significant funds to a project initiated by the Rockefeller family, together with Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, at the Rockefeller’s estate at Bellagio, Italy, called the Club of Rome.” source: url:
[8] quote: “The depopulation plan is supported by the world’s wealthiest people, including Bill Gates, who admittedly funds vaccinations to reduce global populations by 10-15%. Leading population planners and economic developers advance identical plans to cull the world’s population to 1 billion. … requires planning and an unprecedented conspiracy to commit genocide by applying advances in genetic biotechnologies exclusively available and affordable to drug companies controlled by the investment bankers,” Dr. Horowitz adds.” Source url:
[9] quote: 'The Club of Rome is a Neo-Malthusian organization with interlocking membership with European power elite groups such as the Committee of 300 (a secret society founded by the British aristocracy in 1727) and the Bilderberg Group. Malthus argued that population was held within resource limits by two types of checks: positive ones, which raised the death rate, and preventative ones, which lowered the birth rate… One of the major goals of the Club of Rome is to reduce the world's population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary.' Source url:
[10] [Christifidelis laici. no. 38], url:
[11] quote: “National Security is a morally valid undertaking, but only when taken in the context of self-defense. But in a world of greed that … (following the tenets of economic liberalism) and has upheld the principle of "survival of the fittest" (according to social darwinism), mankind has gone through many sad experiences of selfish aggression, which are amply recounted in the history of warfare and tyranny. … Thus, modern governments have tended to abuse "national security" and "national defense" as the lame justifications for inflicting violence on other peoples and even among their own citizens.” Source url:
[12] quote: “he depopulation of the world through economic policies and under the justification of saving the environment is the modern form of Eugenics. And this agenda is at the center of environmentalism and the New World Order, yet is being carried out by stealth with the masses at ignorance.” Source url:

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